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Changing Monitor:Monitor to Monitor:Respond in stages.yml

Alana Bellucci requested to merge abellucci-master-patch-78964 into master

Why is this change being made?

When OpsTrace joined GitLab 🎉 we've got ourselves a new group Monitor:Observability. This means we need to rename Monitor:Monitor to Monitor:Respond.

This MR includes changing Monitor:Monitor to Monitor:Respond in stages.yml

Why Respond? Most teams are named after the action/verb that they act on, for example Create. There are some exceptions, like Observability, but we've decided to go with the verb!

Respond will allow us room to expand, if needed, beyond the categories we are currently focused on (i.e. Incident Management).

Author Checklist

  • Provided a concise title for the MR
  • Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per say-why-not-just-what

Approval Requirements

This MR makes changes to a group name in stages.yml and has a more stringent change control process. Required approver and a list of people that need to be informed are listed below. Note: @ mentions have been removed until this MR is Ready.

This MR requires approval from:

The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:

Edited by Sid Sijbrandij

Merge request reports