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Product OKRs Structure and Editing

Brian Rhea requested to merge product-okrs-restructure into master

To suggest a change to the Product Handbook, please review the [updating the Product Handbook}( section.

Due Date: December 3 2021

Please indicate the reasons for this revision to the Product Handbook (please check all that apply):

  • Small improvement (typos, clarifications, etc.)
  • Adding a new section
  • Modifying existing section
  • Documenting a new process
  • Adding a new page or directory
  • Other

Please assign to a Milestone

  • Assigned to Milestone

Please provide a brief explanation for this change.

The Product Organization OKRs page has served as a useful repository for iterations on the OKR process thusfar, but now it needs some editing, revising, and reorg.

Edited by Brian Rhea

Merge request reports