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Add specific guidelines for customer requests for Product and Engineering from Sales

Kristie Thomas requested to merge prod-eng-meeting-requests into master

What is this MR:

@kristie.thomas supports the leaders for Product and Engineering and consistently gets asked to have X Leader join a customer call. Most times, the request for the person does not match the needs of the call. This is inefficient, wastes a lot of EBA time and leader's time. We need the teams to all understand how to ask for PM or Eng (this includes the Security Department).

It is important that our department understands the WHY for a request for a call. What does this customer or prospect need? Then, we can determine who is best to join and support.

Chief Prod Officer/CTO/Product Leaders/VP Security/Roadmap/Direction/DevSecOps/Security

Requirements: (These are specified by our leaders)

  • Fill out Doc
  • Details are required because prep is needed for each of these calls.


  • Process for getting any PLT person on a call
  • Link to GDoc
  • Scheduling Calls
  • Prep Call

When to Request Johnathan Hunt, VP of Security

Johnathan - responsible for the security of GitLab the company.

  • Johnathan can speak to: GitLab security program, certifications, security department roadmap, processes and policies on our security program.

  • Questions related to product or security features within the product should be directed to the product org

  • Typically assists with pre-sales, eases concerns about the security of the GitLab installation (self-managed) or Has unblocked late stage pre-sales deals where the prospect was holding up purchase due to concerns over the security of either or self-managed. This means they are concerned their data is not secure or does not meet standard security requirements in place at their company. This is NOT related to using our security products like security scans, SAST, DAST, Compliance Features etc..

Guidance from Johnathan:
  • _"If it's questions directly related to product security features, product security roadmap or product concerns - this should be addressed with our product team.

  • "I'm always open to and will prioritize customer calls. My 2 asks are:"

    • "brief me on topics or questions to cover"
    • "brief me on angle. For example if the topic is supply chain security are you asking me to cover a) GitLab's own supply chain security b) how our product provides the customer supply chain security or c) just general best practices in supply chain security agnostic of our own practices or our product features"

When to request Scott Williamson, Chief Product Officer

When to request Eric Johnson, CTO

When to request Anoop Dawar, VP of Product Management

When to Request the Sec Section PM Team (Leaders and PMs)

David - responsible fo the product of GitLab - the product our customers pay for and use.

When to request a specific Product Manager:

When to request Product Management Sec Section Leadership, David DeSanto & Hillary Benson:

Edited by Kristie Thomas

Merge request reports