Realign deployment categories
This MR implements the proposal outlined in
Release Evidence
is moving from ~"group::package" back to grouprelease. A Release can be an input to a pipeline for a deployment pipeline. Furthermore, this is a category closely related to Release Orchestration that should belong in Release. -
Review Apps
is moving from grouprelease to grouptesting. While a Review App is a mapping of a branch with an environment, its main purpose is to enable testing of an application that aligns with the mission of grouptesting. In addition, Review Apps and Visual Reviews are closely related.
Merge requests with changes to stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:
Chief Product Officer @sfwgitlab
VP of Product @adawar
The Product Director relevant to the stage group(s) @kencjohnston -
The Engineering Director relevant to the stage group(s) @sgoldstein -
Director of Product Design @vkarnes
The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:
Chief Technology Officer @edjdev
Vice President of Development @clefelhocz1
Director of Quality @meks
Vice President of User Experience @clenneville
The Product Marketing Manager relevant to the stage group(s)
Merge request reports
assigned to @kbychu
requested review from @kencjohnston and @sgoldstein
@kencjohnston @sgoldstein For your review and approval
- Resolved by Kevin Chu
- Resolved by Kenny Johnston
@kbychu - How does this MR sequence with the MR to add new categories?
mentioned in issue Product#2736 (closed)
marked the checklist item The Engineering Director relevant to the stage group(s) @sgoldstein as completed
added 2100 commits
ec13476f...8d337e86 - 2099 commits from branch
- 3c224992 - Merge branch 'master' into deployment-direction-categories-realignment
ec13476f...8d337e86 - 2099 commits from branch
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/gitlab#336730
removed review request for @sgoldstein
For your approval @kencjohnston @adawar @sfwgitlab @vkarnes
This is a follow-up category update that enables the Release group to better pursue the deployment direction by creating more focus.
- Resolved by Kenny Johnston
- Resolved by Kenny Johnston
- Resolved by James Heimbuck
marked the checklist item The Product Director relevant to the stage group(s) @kencjohnston as completed
- Resolved by James Heimbuck
removed review request for @kencjohnston
added 4169 commits
feecc5ac...393ec1e2 - 4168 commits from branch
- 7a993bd3 - Merge branch 'master' into 'deployment-direction-categories-realignment'
feecc5ac...393ec1e2 - 4168 commits from branch
enabled automatic add to merge train when the pipeline for a4f23ca0 succeeds
mentioned in commit 844567fd
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/gitlab-design#1660 (closed)
mentioned in issue Product#2933 (closed)
mentioned in commit runbooks@30eab60f
mentioned in merge request runbooks!3777 (merged)
mentioned in issue Product#2951 (closed)
mentioned in issue Product#2976 (closed)
mentioned in merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!73775 (merged)
mentioned in merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!74156 (merged)
mentioned in commit gitlab-com/content-sites/handbook@b88bbd4e