Absorb the Code Analytics category into Value Stream Management and DevOps Adoption
Code Analytics is a product category that is at Minimal
maturity level. It is described in the direction page as a deep dive into the Code stage of Value Stream Analytics to find bottlenecks. ~"Category:Value Stream Management" already provides high-level insight into the time that workflow items spend in the code stage relative to other stages of the software development life cycle and allows users to drill in and identify bottlenecks. Value Stream Analytics will link to other key parts of the UI so that users can dive deeper. Additionally, DevOps Reports will show usage metrics for features in the Create stage and how usage correlates to performance.
Secondly, there is no clear maturity plan or roadmap for this product category and it has been sitting stale since its inception.
Given the duplication with existing product categories, Value Stream Management and DevOps Reports, and the lack of maturity plan, direction, and roadmap, I don't think it is worth the overhead of maintaining a separate product category for code analytics and recommend that this category be absorbed into Value Stream Management and DevOps Reports.
More background
For more background on this decision, see the discussion in the linked issue.
Merge requests with changes to stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:
Chief Product Officer @sfwgitlab
VP of Product @adawar -
The Product Director relevant to the stage group(s) @david -
The Engineering Director relevant to the stage group(s) @timzallmann -
Director of Product Design @vkarnes
CEO @sytses
The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:
Chief Technology Officer @edjdev
Vice President of Development @clefelhocz1 -
Director of Quality @meks -
Vice President of User Experience @clenneville -
The Product Marketing Manager relevant to the stage group(s) @cfoster3
Relates to gitlab-org/gitlab#322677 (closed)
Merge request reports
added devopsmanage groupoptimize + 1 deleted label
assigned to @ljlane
@sfwgitlab @adawar @david @sytses @timzallmann @vkarnes This is the third and final proposed change for product categories for groupoptimize. See the issue for full context. This change requires your approval. Let me know if you have questions or concerns. Thanks in advance.
marked the checklist item The Product Marketing Manager relevant to the stage group(s) @cfoster3 as completed
marked the checklist item The Engineering Director relevant to the stage group(s) @timzallmann as completed
added 1232 commits
7ba143a7...7d2c6125 - 1231 commits from branch
- 81acd420 - Remove code analytics
7ba143a7...7d2c6125 - 1231 commits from branch
added 19 commits
81acd420...a7cd4968 - 17 commits from branch
- 06faa33f - Remove code analytics
- c0ac6693 - Remove code_analytics from Optimize stage
81acd420...a7cd4968 - 17 commits from branch
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/manage/general-discussion#17348
mentioned in issue #12126 (closed)
added 5784 commits
c0ac6693...23182849 - 5783 commits from branch
- 7973df47 - Merge branch 'master' into 'ljlane-master-patch-49737'
c0ac6693...23182849 - 5783 commits from branch
marked the checklist item The Product Director relevant to the stage group(s) @david as completed
added 2 commits
added 432 commits
ca5b7b2e...28106dce - 431 commits from branch
- f086a0ca - Merge branch 'master' into 'ljlane-master-patch-49737'
ca5b7b2e...28106dce - 431 commits from branch
marked the checklist item CEO @sytses as completed
mentioned in merge request !88237 (merged)
@adawar looks like you are the last to approve? Can you review and approve or let me know if you have feedback on this?
assigned to @ogolowinski
marked the checklist item Vice President of User Experience @clenneville as completed
added 2279 commits
e6fc3284...d21f3de7 - 2276 commits from branch
- 3d6e1d51 - Fix merge conflicts
- 6948a377 - Remove code_analytics from Optimize stage
- 24451691 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ljlane-master-patch-49737' into ljlane-master-patch-49737
Toggle commit list-
e6fc3284...d21f3de7 - 2276 commits from branch
added 28 commits
de2eb2fe...e9e674a9 - 27 commits from branch
- a7542beb - Merge branch 'master' into 'ljlane-master-patch-49737'
de2eb2fe...e9e674a9 - 27 commits from branch
enabled automatic add to merge train when the pipeline for bfe0ca3f succeeds
mentioned in commit 1082c3bf
mentioned in commit gitlab-org/gitlab@5d77e977
mentioned in merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!68852 (merged)
mentioned in commit CyrineG1/gitlab@0f84c44e
mentioned in merge request !89169 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !93133 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !111590 (merged)