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Consider Alex Ives as a database maintainer

Alex Ives requested to merge 5437/alexives_becomes_database_maintainer into master

Trainee maintainer issue: #5437 (closed)


I've been a team member for a year and a half or so. I've been with the database team since the beginning of May, and a trainee database maintainer for about 9 months. I'm already a maintainer of the migration testing pipeline project. I'm not really sure what else to mention in here. As a member of the database team, I also have a vested interest in making sure database changes are executed well.

Examples of reviews

There are roughly 50 reviews linked in my trainee issue and maybe 20 more that I didn't solicit feedback on before but are pretty old at this point so I'm not worried about them.

Of the 50 on there, roughly 30 were approved by a maintainer as is. In the last couple of months, only a couple of reviews have needed changes after I was done reviewing them.

Things to improve

Sometimes I miss things that aren't called out explicitly for database review, that probably need database review, if I'm not paying close enough attention. I sometimes tend to get laser focused on the sql code and miss things in ruby. A good example of this recently is a merge request where I reviewed a query that was being called, but missed that it was being called on a loop over the users table. 🤦

I'm trying to be extra diligent about really going through the rest of the code outside of the database to ensure that I don't miss things like that in the future.

@gitlab-org/maintainers/database please chime in below with your thoughts, and approve this MR if you agree.

Developer checklist

  • Before this MR is merged
    • Mention @gitlab-org/maintainers/database, if not done (this issue template should do this automatically)
    • Assign this issue to your manager
  • After this MR is merged

Manager checklist

Edited by Craig Gomes

Merge request reports