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Add Francisco Javier Lopez as backend maintainer (gitlab)

Trainee maintainer issue: #8988 (closed)


I've been working at Gitlab since 2017. Since then, I've authored 610 MRs, where 408 MRs were in the GitLab project.

I started as a member of the old Create team, even before it was a stage. Back then, we were responsible for many parts of the codebase so I've worked with:

  • Merge requests
  • Code review/diffs
  • Import/Export
  • Snippets
  • Wiki
  • Customer Portal/Version app
  • Source Code
  • LFS
  • Repo mirroring
  • Workhorse
  • GitLab Shell
  • and more

Now, in the Editor Team, my main areas are:

  • Web IDE
  • Single File Editor
  • Snippets
  • Project/Group wikis
  • Nav and settings

I've reviewed 85 MRs (there were more but these are the ones where I started to approving them about a year ago).

Examples of reviews

Things to improve

In general, all the feedback has been good . There is nothing recurrent and specific that I need to particularly learn. Nevertheless, there are certain areas where I need to improve my knowledge in order to give the best possible review.

Besides, I also have to pay more attention to potential issues that a merge request might cause in production or during deployment.

I tend to ask questions when I need clarification or I don't understand something (or even hop on a call with the author) but I need to do that more frequently in order to get the best full picture.

@gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend please chime in below with your thoughts, and approve this MR if you agree.

Developer checklist

  • Before this MR is merged
    • Mention @gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend, if not done (this issue template should do this automatically)
    • Assign this issue to your manager
  • After this MR is merged
    • Request a maintainer from the #backend_maintainers Slack channel to add you as an Owner to gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend
    • Consider adding 'backend maintainer' to your Slack notification keywords

Manager checklist

Edited by Roman Kuba

Merge request reports