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Update PIAA process for new hires to match the one for existing team members

Kristie Thomas requested to merge piaa-clarity into master

Problem Statement:

Eric Johnson (CTO) and Scott Williamson (Chief Product Officer) often get requests to review other work that team members are doing outside of GitLab, that in no way relates to GitLab. It feels inefficient, also like it might not be clear what qualifies as another form of work that needs to be reported to GitLab.

Proposed Solution:

The modified ask from Eric and Scott would be to adjust the PIAA process for new hires to match the ones for existing team members, per Beverly's comment: !74601 (comment 521956557)

This would reduce the number of pings and reviews that Eric and Scott Get. We'd like to change the language for new hires to mirror this:

  1. The manager will ask any necessary clarifying questions. Once the manager is comfortable providing written approval, they will then add the applicable Director-level leader to the thread, for their review and approval.
  2. If the Director feels additional review and approval is needed, the Director will add the next level (VP or C-level as appropriate) to the email thread. If not, the Director will respond indicating their approval.

Let me know if this change is possible and I will communicate to Eric and Scott. Thank you!


Our PIAA does not grant GitLab any rights to any creations that you may make that are not related to GitLab's business or the work you do for GitLab. That is, you are free to develop those creations without requesting approval in advance from GitLab.

Edited by Kristie Thomas

Merge request reports