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Release post 13 8 update package nuget code format

This suggested change is a workaround to prevent the 13.8 release post secondary items from dynamically resizing to fit the content in the code blocks in this example.

The issue here is that the code block won't wrap text without a space in it, namely:

  1. "<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json"
  2. "<your_group_id>/packages/nuget/index.json"

This change adds newlines to force the code to wrap.

I also looked at adding images, but our release post supports a single image per post, and there are two code blocks here.


The length of the URL means one of the columns takes up more width.



The width issue is resolved (this screenshot taken locally, that's why this item appears on the left now - that is unrelated to this change)



Edited by Phil Calder

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