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Add David Fernandez as backend maintainer (GitLab)

David Fernandez requested to merge 10io-gitlab-backend-maintainer into master

Trainee maintainer issue: #6264 (closed)

🔭 Overview

I've been working at GitLab since October 2019. It feels like it was yesterday 😄

As a member of the Package Team, my main area of work is:

  • Package Managers APIs
    • Authored the NuGet support
    • Improved existing APIs
  • Package APIs (rest and graphql)
  • Dependency Proxy
  • Integration with the Container Registry, which includes
    • APIs (rest and graphql) to query the Container Registry objects
    • Cleanup policies

I worked quite a bit to improve the situation regarding file uploads:

I usually persevere if I see a bug that can be fixed. Here is an example: Add wildcard segments support to grape path helpers.

📊 Statistics

🔍 Examples of reviews

  • Use the Dependency Proxy with private GitLab groups: #6264 (comment 477520172)
    • A quite complex MR involving several endpoints and authentication
    • A good example where I knew that several pair of eyes was needed on this one
  • Dependency proxy caches the manifest: #6264 (comment 467275542)
    • Gave several suggestions to improve code readability
    • Noticed that a Tempfile was used but not properly closed and deleted
  • Define a new home page for pipeline authoring: #6264 (comment 454006591)
    • When adding a change that is gated behind a feature flag, make sure that specs cover the feature flag enabled and feature flag disabled conditions.
  • PyPI: API skeleton and authentication #6264 (comment 313674451)
    • Gave several suggestions to improve code organization
    • Suggested a security review as this was adding new endpoints that require authentication

I was also involved in reviewing non straightforward community MRs for my team such as this one.

📈 Things to improve

During my past time at GitLab, I tried to see/explore different sides of the codebase as much as possible. That is what motivated me to work on file uploads. It is a transversal feature.

Having said that, there are areas that I don't work often with, for example, the view layer and the rails controllers. I'm ok with small / minor changes because in my past positions I worked extensively with erb, haml, stimulus & friends. Sidenote: sometimes, I wish the Grape API controllers to be standard rails controllers to avoid this kind of issues.

I think my biggest fear as a maintainer will always be to accept a change that breaks a feature. I still think this risk is part of the game and can't be removed entirely. As such, I accept it and try to minimize it as much as I can.

That's why I'm always interested in issues that make me discover other parts of the codebase than my day to day work (my work on file uploads are a good example here).

Having said that, my aim is not to know all the GitLab (rails) parts (I'm not sure if that is even possible 🤔) but just to know enough to bring value as a maintainer.

Also, I know that it's always possible to pass the final review to domain experts. I would even say that it should be mandatory when the MR complexity is higher than usual or security aspects are involved.

@gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend please chime in below with your thoughts, and approve this MR if you agree.

Developer checklist

  • Before this MR is merged
    • Mention @gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend, if not done (this issue template should do this automatically)
    • Assign this issue to your manager
  • After this MR is merged
    • Request a maintainer from the #backend_maintainers Slack channel to add you as an Owner to gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend
    • Consider adding 'backend maintainer' to your Slack notification keywords

Manager checklist

Edited by David Fernandez

Merge request reports