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Update admins in tech stack for ZenGRC

Meghan Maneval requested to merge mmaneval20-master-patch-68665 into master

Tech Stack Update

Please do not merge this MR before the Business Systems Analysts have reviewed and approved.

Please take into account:

We need to change the responsible parties for provisioning and deprovisioning to the system on the Tech Stack for ZenGRC, but the actually privileges within the system are not changing. Currently, Julia Lake and Jeff Burrows are listed as provisioners and have administrative privileges which allow them to do so. However, we need to update the provisioners and deprovisioners to Meghan Maneval Rupal Shah. Julia and Jeff are retaining their admin privilege and Meghan and Rupal already have administrative privileges. Given this, we did not see the need to open an Update Tech Stack Provisioner Issue.

/cc @lisvinueza

Edited by Steve Truong

Merge request reports