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Updates to Buyer Progression Webcasts and Virtual Workshops

Katie Rogel requested to merge krogel-master-patch-46362 into master

Why is this change being made?

@jgragnola - Made some changes to the Buyer Progression Webcast and Virtual Workshop details and linked to the new Field Marketing page. We'll probably need to go through in more detail since we now have the FM process detailed out separately, which makes for some duplicative info. Let me know what you think!

cc @lblanchard

Author Checklist

  • Provided a concise title for the MR
  • Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per say-why-not-just-what
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    • If the DRI for the page/s being updated isn’t immediately clear, then assign it to your manager.
    • If your manager does not have merge rights, please ask someone to merge it AFTER it has been approved by your manager in #mr-buddies.
    • If the changes relate to any part of the project other than updates to content and/or data files please make sure to ping @gl-static-site-editor in a comment for a review and merge. For example changes to .gitlab-ci.yml, JavaScript/CSS/Ruby code or the layout files. (this requirement has been removed pending identification of a new DRI for the handbook)

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