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blog post: What is collaborative software development? - Nov 16

Closes #8761 (closed)

Checklist for writer

  • Link to issue added, and set to close when this MR is merged
  • Due date and milestone (e.g. Blogs October 2020) added for the desired publish date
  • Please add links to three related blog posts, GitLab issues, documentation or other related content so the reader can learn more at the bottom of the post. (We will take care of the formatting.)
  • Blog post file formatted correctly, including any accompanying images
  • All relevant frontmatter included
  • Review app checked for any formatting issues
  • Assign to the Editorial team member who reviewed your pitch issue for final review (If they are on PTO and your post is time sensitive, please share your MR in #content on Slack to ask for another reviewer.)

After the blog has been published:

Edited by Sara Kassabian

Merge request reports