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Moved Build phase 1 to outcomes and activities

Fabian Zimmer requested to merge wg-pm-build-phase-1-plan into master

Why is this change being made?

This change moves the Build Phase 1 - Plan from a detailed process description to an outcome and activity focused section. This means rather than listing how labels need to be applied it focuses on the why and the expected outcomes.

At a high level this phase focuses on two motions:

  1. Issue breakdown and engineering review
  2. Milestone prioritization process (process for PMs to prioritize issues, and EMs to accept)


  1. Focused the planning breakdown on MVCs and iteration
  2. Eliminated all 12 major and 3 minor steps
  3. Added a outcomes and activity table with links to the handbook
  4. Emphasised the need for collaboration
  5. Moved "ready-for-dev" and "deliverable" labels into this phase from Phase 2, along with description supporting the shift.

If teams feel the need for more detailed descriptions of how to perform certain tasks. e.g. the labelling of the testing workflow, I suggest adding this to the relevant handbook pages.

Note: We have removed the step by step in this MR but are considering linking to them as part of a 'sample flow on a different page.

Closes #9109 (closed)

Author Checklist

  • Provided a concise title for the MR
  • Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per say-why-not-just-what
  • Assign this change to the correct DRI
    • If the DRI for the page/s being updated isn’t immediately clear, then assign it to your manager.
    • If your manager does not have merge rights, please ask someone to merge it AFTER it has been approved by your manager in #mr-buddies.
    • If the changes relate to any part of the project other than updates to content and/or data files please make sure to ping @gl-static-site-editor in a comment for a review and merge. For example changes to .gitlab-ci.yml, JavaScript/CSS/Ruby code or the layout files.
Edited by Farnoosh Seifoddini

Merge request reports