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Update #do-not-use link from security to tools-and-tips

James Edwards-Jones requested to merge jej-fix-link-to-do-not-use into master

Commit 3fc839a4 from !4939 (merged) moved content from /source/handbook/ into new sub-pages so links like this one will need updating

Doing a search suggests there might be over a hundred to update:

Searching 1589 files for "/handbook/#"

.../www-gitlab-com/ 309
310 [frontmatter]: 311: [Writing Style Guidelines]: 312 [press releases]: 313 [press category]:

.../www-gitlab-com/source/about/ 83 ## Values 84
85: Please see the values section in our handbook. 86
87 ## Our stewardship of GitLab CE

184 matches across 102 files

Merge request reports