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Add instrumentation status to PI Pages

Tim Rizzi requested to merge add_instrumentation_status into master

This MR !47641 (merged) adds support for a new field called instrumentation along with it's level and reasons to be added to PI pages.

Summary of changes:

  • It will not be displayed in either the Executive Summary or KPI tables.
  • If a PI has instrumentation field added in performance_indicators.yml, the status will be displayed for the PI.
  • If a PI does not have an instrumentation field added, the field will not be displayed.

How to add instrumentation status to your PI:

  1. When you add or update your PI in performance_indicators.yml be sure to include instrumentation with sub-fields of level and reasons
Level Meaning
3 We are correctly capturing and measuring data for and self-managed instances.
2 Missing one of: or self-managed data.
1 Missing both: and self-managed data.
0 Unknown

**Example PI in performance_indicators.yml

- name: Packages published/installed using the Package Registry
  base_path: /handbook/product/performance-indicators/
  definition: A count of events in which a package is published to or installed from the Package Registry on
  target: Our FY21 Q1 target is a rolling 7-day average of 22k.
  org: Product
  public: true
  is_key: false
    level: 2
      - We are seeing consistent steady growth in adoption of the Package Registry.
      - We do not yet have a good sense of how long adoption of new package manager formats will take. For NuGet it has taken 2 months to see measurable adoption. We will soon have more data, as we have launched PyPI in 12.10.
      - This does not include data from self-managed instances.
    level: 2
      - We are currently tracking this data for via Snowplow, but have not yet implemented this in usage ping to track self-managed instances. See [gitlab-#205578]( for more details.
      chart: 8104230
      dashboard: 527857
      embed: v2

All of the above is dependent on the MR being merged of course. I also added a suggestion to Kathleen's MR to ensure we are also defining the new fields.

Review app links:


Screen_Shot_2020-04-24_at_12.32.06_PM Screen_Shot_2020-04-24_at_12.32.30_PMScreen_Shot_2020-04-24_at_12.32.44_PM

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  • Did you assign this change to the correct DRI of the page or information you are changing?


Edited by Tim Rizzi

Merge request reports