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Favor installing 1Password from app store

Why is this change being made?

On macOS (our primary workstation platform), 1Password has the option to be installed directly from the vendor or via the Mac App Store. The upgrade process is more confusing when using the vendor managed version (see screenshot below).


When the Install Update button is pressed, the Mac produces an error sound effect and does nothing. The user is required to press the lower button labeled Download 1Password X.X.X. This button starts a download in the user's default web browser.

This workflow is extremely dangerous to get used to. If a bad actor wanted to trick a user, they could produce a webpage popup that looks similar and direct the user to download malware.

Rather than use the vendor provided solution, we should use the Mac App Store option that handles the upgrade process more securely.

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It will add a few more bits. Your stop watch isn't good enough to track it.

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Edited by Mark Loveless

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