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WIP: Update category maturity definitions and process

Valerie Karnes requested to merge vkarnes-cat-maturity into master

Why is this change being made?

We are enhancing how we evaluate category maturity to incorporate user performance and feedback when an area of the product is moving from Minimal to Viable to Complete, and Lovable. This MR is to update the handbook in various areas based on this new addition.

  • Update references to UX Scorecards to distinguish it from the new Category Maturity Scorecards (where appropriate).
    • Add link to Category Maturity Scorecards handbook page once available.
  • Consider outlining a process for PM to follow to include defining criteria and incorporating Category Maturity Scorecards when moving areas of the product up a level.
  • Update definition of each maturity level based on previous discussions.
  • Update each maturity level with Category Maturity Scorecard grades required to move levels.
Edited by Valerie Karnes

Merge request reports