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WIP: Discussion over configuration

Nicole Schwartz requested to merge NicoleSchwartz-master-patch-65739 into master

Why is this change being made?

No changes yet but I wish to have a discussion over configuration files

Per issue

"Deciding whether to add configuration"

A configuration should only appear in a file (gitlab.rb or gitlab.yml) as a last resort.

However, I wish to slice this issue in half and discuss two sub points to make sure I understand intent and implications.

  1. In some cases we MUST have data from a user to proceed, for example as specified above, if they want "Container Scanning" turned on, or off. Is this something we should NOT want as a configuration? There are many cases where having the scan make no sense, when customers have or use alternate tools, or where it is just not something suers desire. So I feel that being able to turn something on and off makes sense and should be a configuration and belongs in gitlab.yml. Am i not considering this correctly, or is this handbook page unclear such that it is causing engineering concern that we are headed in an incorrect direction when we are not.

  2. We should strive for any configuration that can be made to be both in the UI and via other means so if you use API or web you can be equally as in control, so by that value, again to the above example issue, because it is in the config file we should strive to have it in the UI.

Thank you for participating in this discussion.

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