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Update Release-Post to clarify feature block review process

Tim Rizzi requested to merge trizzi-patch-release-template-0207 into master

Why is this change being made?

in various chats with PMs it has come to my attention that one reason for delays in content is that they dont' realize they don't have to wait for all the review feedback prior to moving forward with their release post item. William pointed me to this thread in Slack, and I don't know if the HB or template updates were made to clarify it to PMs and then a proper announcement in the PM weekly meeting. This link will go away in a few days since Slack only keeps 90 days worth of content. Here's the thread:

William  3 months ago
@Patrick Deuley The PMM and TW contributions to feature blocks should “non-blocking review” rather than “approval”.
At GitLab, few things should have rigid approval processes, most should have an assigned DRI who can act unilaterally. (See “responsibility over rigidity” and “make 2-way decisions”)
If there is a place in the handbook or template that refers to PMM/TW contribution as “request approval” can you please update it to “request non-blocking review” ?
TL;DR: Each PM can make the choice to merge without PMM/TW review
cc @Jeremy @Matt Gonzales @jramsay @Christen Dybenko @Eric Brinkman @phikai @Gabe Weaver@Keanon O'Keefe @Mark Wood @Thao @James Heimbuck @Orit @jmeshell @Daniel Gruesso@Viktor Nagy @Dov @Larissa Lane @joshua (edited) 

PTO NinjaAPP  3 months ago
Hey! James Ramsay is OOO from 2019-11-17 to 2019-12-05. Here are the folks covering while James is away:
Eric Brinkman
Covering For
All urgent matters
<@UEV45AP89>@Eric Brinkman

Patrick Deuley  3 months ago
Good point William. Not sure if that's documented poorly or if I just misunderstood. I'll make a note in the retro doc to remind myself to go look later and clarify.
(I guess something about it wasn't clear enough, because I was under the impression it was more of an approval, myself.)

William  3 months ago
@Patrick Deuley you are not alone :) I’ve had the same conversation multiple times.

phikai  3 months ago
Review is a requirement of the release post process though... we just shifted it to earlier in the process on the individual items vs. happening inside of the release post.

William  3 months ago
@phikai the “later-in-cycle, in-release-post PMM review of feature blocks” has always been non-blocking.

Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria?


Edited by Keanon O'Keefe

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