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Add emphasis on iteration and breakdown

Kenny Johnston requested to merge add-emphasis-to-break-things-down into master

The Development organization has a Q4 OKR to focus on throughput. Adding this language to the PM handbook in support of that effort and the value of throughput and iteration in general.

Pebbles are easier to move quickly than boulders. When scheduling, challenge engineers and leaders to break down work into many smaller MRs. This can result in high priority work being split up, faster overall throughput and re-risking if an effort doesn't totally make it into a release that something valuable will.

Closes Product#548 (closed)

Has edits to the Product Development Flow so requires approval.


All substantive merge requests to this page require the following approvals before merging:

The following people need to be on the merge request to stay informed:

  • Director of Quality - @meks
Edited by Kenny Johnston

Merge request reports