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Make Heinrich (@engwan) a backend maintainer

Heinrich Lee Yu requested to merge hly-backend-maintainer into master

Add Heinrich as Backend Maintainer

  • GitLab member since November 19, 2018 (11 months)
  • Trainee maintainer since May 6, 2019 (almost 6 months)
  • Authored 258 merged MRs. A lot of these are devopsplan but I've also made contributions in other parts of the codebase.
  • Involved in a lot of work that touched a wide part of the codebase like Rails upgrades and test improvements.

There were no major problems during the training and after the last few moderately-sized MRs that I've reviewed I think I'm ready.

What do you think @gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend?

Trainee issue: #4356 (closed)

Merge request reports