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Add details related to shadow management of the google group

Jennifer "JJ" Cordz requested to merge mktgops-googlegroupmgmt into master

I'd like to propose the CEO Shadows are tasked with managing the CEO Shadow google group.

In this MR I suggest the schedule to add and remove a shadow.

  • Incoming shadow (Week 1) is added on Friday proceeding so they can review Day 1 documents on CEO calendar
  • Outgoing shadow (Week 2) is removed on Monday following so they can wrap up any MRs or tasks that were inflight

The EBA (@cheriholmes) will retain ultimate ownership and management of the group, in the case there is a large break between rotations or if there is ever a reason the Shadow cannot execute the task.

@ebrinkman can you please review the language and make any suggestions on wording.

/cc @sytses

Merge request reports