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Fix a couple typos

Thomas Randolph requested to merge typo-fixes into master

Fixes a couple typos.

Perhaps notable: I left alone a couple of words that are in the British English form (e.g. itemised versus itemized). The handbook is mostly in American English form (z) but these little discrepancies aren't strictly incorrect, so I chose to leave them.

Also notable, I left alone some words that my spellchecker considers incorrect (e.g. recordkeeping, which could be record-keeping or record keeping). As a noun, recordkeeping is acceptable though probably the lesser used option (NB: the verb form is almost certainly more likely to be seen as recordkeeping). There are a few instances of words like this.

Similarly: added - to antiX words like antibribery and anticorruption. These words are almost never seen without the hyphen, but sadly the rule is effectively "do whatever looks right to you." In this case, I prefer the hyphenated version, but also feel that because the last one is doing double duty with the solidus, the hyphen should be in them all to make them match with the next word / word group.

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