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Add Bob as maintainer for GitLab rails

Bob Van Landuyt requested to merge bvl-add-bvl-as-maintainer into master

In #3350 (closed) there's a summary of my latest reviews.

I feel my reviews improved a lot over the past months.

@ayufan and I both feel like my main weakness is making architectural suggestions: #3350 (comment 155042018).

However, as discussed with @DouweM, I think I could already help out easing the work of all maintainers. I do know when a merge request is not up to our standards. When that happens, I can always call in the help of a more experienced maintainer and learn how to make better suggestions from them in the process.

closes #3350 (closed)

WDYT @gitlab-org/maintainers/rails-backend ?

Merge request reports