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Adjust 2019 Summit Goals for New in 2018 from Complete to Viable

Kenny Johnston requested to merge kcj-adjust-viable-2019 into master

As part of our Q1 2019 OKRs we are meant to have 11 of the 22 "New in 2018" Categories to viable. There were 7 that were already slated for Complete by Summit, so those were easy to move to Viable. I chose four others - so please review and approve.

The 11 are:

  1. Plan - Agile Portfolio Management
  2. Create - Web IDE
  3. Verify - Performance Testing
  4. Package - Maven Repository
  5. Secure - SAST
  6. Secure - DAST
  7. Secure - Dependency Scanning
  8. Secure - Container Scanning
  9. Release - Feature Flags
  10. Configure - Kubernetes Configuration
  11. Monitor - Cluster Monitoring
Edited by Kenny Johnston

Merge request reports