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WIP: Suggested an improvement to the description of how we work.

Matej Latin requested to merge matejlatin-master-patch-22376 into master

A candidate in a recent interview brought this to my attention. I think that this point isn't well communicated and I don't think that proposing multiple solutions undermines designers as UX experts. Inability to communicate solutions well and to steer the conversation in the right direction do.

I'm afraid that this guideline can be understood as: only work on one solution. When we know that in reality, it's much better to work on multiple solutions for many reasons. One of them is to prevent falling in love with that single solution. The other is the fact that if we publish a few possible solutions early in the design process they will generate more additional ideas from others that a single one would.

If this was meant as: propose only one final solution I think that the word 'final' should be added to clearly communicate that each issue should only have a single solution in the description (when it's closed).

I rewrote the sentence but let's just reword the previous one if I misunderstood it.

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