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Move Code Quality category back to Static Analysis

Connor Gilbert requested to merge connorgilbert/move-cq-to-sa into master

Summary and reasoning

This MR moves the Code Quality category back to Static Analysis.

A brief history:

  • This category was previously in Static Analysis as of 2021 or earlier. Before then, it was in Pipeline Insights.
  • It was moved to the new Secret Detection group in February 2024 (see !133169 (merged)) when we split the Secret Detection group out from Static Analysis. The group has largely not been able to invest in CQ, but the PM for Secret Detection has often been brought into customer discussions to explain why this is the case.
  • Since then, the Static Analysis group has grown (including via the Oxeye acquisition).

We propose to move CQ back to Static Analysis because:

  • Code Quality and SAST are philosophically similar. For example:
    • They use much of the same underlying technology.
    • Users follow the same basic workflow to understand and fix findings.
    • Many tools use the same formats, like SARIF, to report results.
  • By comparison, Secret Detection and CQ are not intrinsically related.
  • SAST and CQ are presented the same way in the merge request (a feature previously developed by groupstatic analysis).
  • The SD group has growing responsibilities for new features like push protection.
  • We believe that alignment between SAST and CQ will be a more promising path that resolves longstanding customer complaints with CQ.



Merge requests with changes to stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:

  • Chief Product Officer @david (post MR link in chief-product-officer once all others have approved and tag Gena Schwam in slack) @gschwam for triage on behalf of David
  • PLT Leader relevant to the affected Section(s) @hbenson
  • The Product Director relevant to the affected Section(s) - @sarahwaldner
  • The Engineering Director relevant to the affected Section(s) - equivalent is @twoodham
  • Director of Product Design @vkarnes

Note: Chief Product Officer approval should be requested once all other approvals have been completed. To request approval, post the MR link in the #chief-product-officer channel tagging @david and cc'ing @Gena Schwam.

The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:

After Approvals and Merge

Edited by Connor Gilbert

Merge request reports