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Rename feature: Pre-receive Secret Detection to Secret Push Protection

Sara Meadzinger requested to merge add_secret_push_protection into master

What change is being made?

This MR renames the "Pre-receive Secret Detection" feature to "Secret Push Protection."

A broad range of opinions were carefully considered in Secret Detection Feature Naming (gitlab-org/gitlab#454395).

Why is this change being made?

"Pre-receive Secret Detection" (available today as an experimental feature for Dedicated customers), is a technically accurate name, but customers can not intuitively discern what the feature does from it's name. While discussing the feature with customers, we've realized that developers who know Git well may understand what "pre-receive" means, but GitLab buyers and security personas do not and are confused by the name. We would like to rename the feature in 17.1 before the beta launch, in order to improve feature adoption.

By renaming to "Secret Push Protection" we will better conform to GitLab's feature naming guidelines in the following ways:

  • Having as few words as possible
  • Clearly expressing what the feature is
  • Be common in the industry
    • GitHub has named the feature "Push Protection," and the feature has been widely written about across the industry.
    • NIST's cybersecurity framework defines "protect" as a distinct capability in contrast to "detect."


Process for Renaming Features (handbook)


Merge requests with changes to stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:

  • Chief Product Officer @david (post MR link in chief-product-officer once all others have approved)
  • PLT Leader relevant to the affected Section(s) @hbenson
  • The Product Director relevant to the affected Section(s) @sarahwaldner
  • The Engineering Manager relevant to the affected Section(s) @amarpatel
  • The Group Engineering Manager relevant to the affected Section(s) @twoodham
  • Director of Product Design @vkarnes

**Note:**_ Chief Product Officer approval should be requested once all other approvals have been completed. To request approval, post the MR link in the #chief-product-officer channel tagging @david and cc'ing @Gena Schwam._

The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:

After Approvals and Merge

Edited by Sara Meadzinger

Merge request reports