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PA updates

Dov Hershkovitch requested to merge dhershkovitch-master-patch-eb96 into master

Why is this change being made?

Per Product#13221 (closed), we are updating the content on the PA Catalog page to reflect the latest developments and priorities for the upcoming months.

Author and Reviewer Checklist

Please verify the check list and ensure to tick them off before the MR is merged.

  • Provided a concise title for this Merge Request (MR)
  • Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per say why, not just what
    • Copied/pasted the Slack conversation to document it for later. Verified that no confidential data is added, and the content is SAFE
  • Assigned reviewers for this MR to the correct Directly Responsible Individual/s (DRI)
    • The DRI for the page/s being updated is not immediately clear, so I assigned it to one of the people listed in the Maintained by section on the page being edited
    • My manager does not have merge rights, so I will ask someone to merge it AFTER it has been approved by my manager in #mr-buddies
    • The when to get approval handbook section explains the workflow in more detail
  • For transparency, shared this MR with the audience that will be impacted.
    • Team: Shared in the Product Marketing Slack channel
    • Department: N/A
    • Company: N/A

Detailed Changes

Introduction and how you can help

What's next for us

The Pipeline Authoring Team is fully devoted to moving the Catalog from Beta to General Availability (GA). To achieve this, our primary goals are:

  • Moving CI/CD Catalog, Inputs and Components from Beta to GA - This involves upgrading the fundamental building blocks of the catalog to GA status. This shift is crucial for boosting user adoption and solidifying the catalog as a go-to resource.
  • Populating the Catalog with High-Quality Components - Our aim is not just transitioning but also ensuring the catalog is stocked with top-notch components. This effort is designed to build customer trust and drive increased adoption by providing exceptional catalog content.
  • In our effort to support all customer segments we would like to help our Self manage customers and customers in an air-gapped environment to easily consume components that exist today in our .com catalog. This approach aligns with our overarching goal of driving use case adoption, where every customer, regardless of their setup, can readily explore and implement additional functionalities from our platform.
  • Enhancing the Release Process - A crucial step in reaching our goal is refining the release process for adaptability. This adjustment will enable us to efficiently and effectively release any resource to the catalog.

As we progress, these objectives highlight our commitment to delivering an upgraded catalog experience, surpassing user expectations and establishing a robust foundation for a thriving ecosystem.

Long term vision

We aim to enhance our CI/CD catalog by introducing paid features tailored for enterprise customers, thereby delivering additional value to their operations.

Securing workflows

We aim to empower central administrators to manage component creation, usage, and publication within their organizational catalog. We are committed to ensuring the publishing process seamlessly integrates with the organization's standards and existing workflow. We want to enable the platform administrators with the capabilities to secure and govern the Catalog and component workflows. More information can be found in this epic

CI Step as first class citizen

A CI step is a minimum executable unit that the user configures; CI step runs in the context of a job, which enables the composability of jobs in your CI pipelines. A step is a type of component, which means it needs to be a first-class citizen

This description was generated for revision 11b75065 using AI

Edited by Dov Hershkovitch

Merge request reports