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Add Database Maintainer Trainee: Bishwa Hang Rai

Bishwa Hang Rai requested to merge add-bhrai-as-trainee-maintainer into master

Thanks for your interest in becoming a database reviewer! Database reviewers are like backend reviewers but with a special focus on the database. As a result, there are some special challenges they may face in the course of their necessary work.

Before becoming a database reviewer, we ask that you complete the following steps to be sure you're prepared!

Already reviewed the TODOs in previous issue: !126121 (merged)

New reviewer tasks

Note that approving and accepting merge requests is restricted to Database Maintainers only. As a reviewer, pass the MR to a maintainer for approval.

Where to go for questions?

Reach out to #database on Slack

Edited by Bishwa Hang Rai

Merge request reports