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Updates script for deprecation view changes

Chase Southard requested to merge update_deprecation_index_script into master

Why is this change being made?

The deprecation index script used in Release Post automatino relies on scraping the depreciation docs page. We apparently have made changes to that page breaking the script such that no depreciations were found.

This MR updates the script to find those page elements to build the deprecation index properly.

- Accessibility Testing is deprecated
- Atlassian Crowd OmniAuth provider
- Auto DevOps support for Herokuish is deprecated
- Browser Performance Testing is deprecated
- CiRunner.projects default sort is changing to id_desc
- CiRunnerUpgradeStatusType GraphQL type renamed to CiRunnerUpgradeStatus
- DAST ZAP advanced configuration variables deprecation
- Deprecate legacy shell escaping and quoting runner shell executor
- DingTalk OmniAuth provider
- Filepath field in Releases and Release Links APIs
- GitLab Helm chart values gitlab.kas.privateApi.* are deprecated
- GitLab Runner platforms and setup instructions in GraphQL API
- GitLab Runner registration token in Runner Operator
- GraphQL type, RunnerMembershipFilter renamed to CiRunnerMembershipFilter
- 'GraphQL: The DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE value of the SharedRunnersSetting enum is deprecated.
- Load Performance Testing is deprecated
- Maintainer role providing the ability to change Package settings using GraphQL API
- Package pipelines in API payload is paginated
- PipelineSecurityReportFinding projectFingerprint GraphQL field
- PostgreSQL 13 deprecated
- Queue selector for running Sidekiq is deprecated
- Registration tokens and server-side runner arguments in POST /api/v4/runners endpoint
- Registration tokens and server-side runner arguments in gitlab-runner register command
- Required Pipeline Configuration is deprecated
- Self-managed certificate-based integration with Kubernetes
- Single database connection is deprecated
- Slack notifications integration
- Support for REST API endpoints that reset runner registration tokens
- The GitLab legacy requirement IID is deprecated in favor of work item IID
- The Visual Reviews tool is deprecated
- The gitlab-runner exec command is deprecated
- Trigger jobs can mirror downstream pipeline status exactly
- Unified approval rules are deprecated
- runnerRegistrationToken parameter for GitLab Runner Helm Chart
- sidekiq delivery method for incoming_email and service_desk_email is deprecated
- project.pipeline.securityReportFindings GraphQL query
- Error Tracking UI in GitLab Rails is deprecated
- Adding non-LDAP synced members to a locked LDAP group is deprecated
- HashiCorp Vault integration will no longer use CI_JOB_JWT by default
- Old versions of JSON web tokens are deprecated
- Bundled Grafana deprecated and disabled
- GitLab Runner images based on Alpine 3.12, 3.13, 3.14
- License Compliance CI Template
- Auto DevOps no longer provisions a PostgreSQL database by default
- Azure Storage Driver defaults to the correct root prefix
- Bundled Grafana Helm Chart is deprecated
- CAS OmniAuth provider
- CI/CD jobs will fail when no secret is returned from Hashicorp Vault
- Changing MobSF-based SAST analyzer behavior in multi-module Android projects
- Changing merge request approvals with the /approvals API endpoint
- Conan project-level search endpoint returns project-specific results
- Configuration fields in GitLab Runner Helm Chart
- Configuring Redis config file paths using environment variables is deprecated
- Container Registry pull-through cache
- Container Scanning variables that reference Docker
- Cookie authorization in the GitLab for Jira Cloud app
- DAST API scans using DAST template is deprecated
- DAST API variables
- DAST report variables deprecation
- Default CI/CD job token (CI_JOB_TOKEN) scope changed
- Dependency Scanning support for Java 13, 14, 15, and 16
- Deployment API returns error when updated_at and updated_at are not used together
- Deprecate legacy Gitaly configuration methods
- Deprecated Consul http metrics
- Deprecation and planned removal for CI_PRE_CLONE_SCRIPT variable on GitLab SaaS
- Developer role providing the ability to import projects to a group
- Development dependencies reported for PHP and Python
- Embedding Grafana panels in Markdown is deprecated
- Enforced validation of CI/CD parameter character lengths
- Environment search query requires at least three characters
- External field in GraphQL ReleaseAssetLink type
- External field in Releases and Release Links APIs
- 'Geo: Project repository redownload is deprecated'
- GitLab self-monitoring project
- importer
- GraphQL API Runner status will not return paused
- GraphQL API legacyMode argument for Runner status
- GraphQL field confidential changed to internal on notes
- Jira DVCS connector for Jira Cloud
- KAS Metrics Port in GitLab Helm Chart
- Legacy Gitaly configuration method
- Legacy Praefect configuration method
- Legacy URLs replaced or removed
- License-Check and the Policies tab on the License Compliance page
- Limit personal access token and deploy token’s access with external authorization
- Major bundled Helm Chart updates for the GitLab Helm Chart
- Managed Licenses API
- Maximum number of active pipelines per project limit (ci_active_pipelines)
- Monitor performance metrics through Prometheus
- Non-expiring access tokens
- Non-standard default Redis ports are deprecated
- Option to delete projects immediately is deprecated from deletion protection settings
- PipelineSecurityReportFinding name GraphQL field
- PostgreSQL 12 deprecated
- Projects API field operations_access_level is deprecated
- Rake task for importing bare repositories
- Redis 5 deprecated
- Remove job_age parameter from POST /jobs/request Runner endpoint
- SAST analyzer coverage changing in GitLab 16.0
- Secure analyzers major version update
- Secure scanning CI/CD templates will use new job rules
- Security report schemas version 14.x.x
- Shimo integration
- Starboard directive in the config for the GitLab Agent for Kubernetes
- Support for Praefect custom metrics endpoint configuration
- Support for periods (.) in Terraform state names might break existing states
- The API no longer returns revoked tokens for the agent for Kubernetes
- The Phabricator task importer is deprecated
- The latest Terraform templates will overwrite current stable templates
- Toggle behavior of /draft quick action in merge requests
- Toggle notes confidentiality on APIs
- Use of id field in vulnerabilityFindingDismiss mutation
- Use of third party container registries is deprecated
- Vulnerability confidence field
- Work items path with global ID at the end of the path is deprecated
- ZenTao integration
- CI_BUILD_* predefined variables
- POST ci/lint API endpoint deprecated
- environment_tier parameter for DORA API
- started iteration state
- vulnerabilityFindingDismiss GraphQL mutation
- openSUSE Leap 15.3 packages
- Automatic backup upload using Openstack Swift and Rackspace APIs
- Live Preview no longer available in the Web IDE
- SaaS certificate-based integration with Kubernetes
- File Type variable expansion in .gitlab-ci.yml
- NFS for Git repository storage
- Bundled Grafana deprecated
- SAST analyzer consolidation and CI/CD template changes
- Vulnerability Report sort by State
- Vulnerability Report sort by Tool
- Deprecate support for Debian 9
- Audit events for repository push events
- Background upload for object storage
- CI/CD job name length limit
- Changing an instance (shared) runner to a project (specific) runner
- Container Network and Host Security
- Container scanning schemas below 14.0.0
- Coverage guided fuzzing schemas below 14.0.0
- DAST schemas below 14.0.0
- Dependency Scanning Python 3.9 and 3.6 image deprecation
- Dependency Scanning default Java version changed to 17
- Dependency scanning schemas below 14.0.0
- Deprecate Geo Admin UI Routes
- Deprecate custom Geo:db:* Rake tasks
- Elasticsearch 6.8
- Enforced validation of security report schemas
- External status check API breaking changes
- GitLab Pages running as daemon
- GitLab Serverless
- Godep support in License Compliance
- GraphQL ID and GlobalID compatibility
- GraphQL permissions change for Package settings
- Known host required for GitLab Runner SSH executor
- Legacy approval status names from License Compliance API
- Legacy database configuration
- Logging in GitLab
- Move custom_hooks_dir setting from GitLab Shell to Gitaly
- OAuth implicit grant
- OAuth tokens without expiration
- OmniAuth Kerberos gem
- Optional enforcement of PAT expiration
- Optional enforcement of SSH expiration
- Out-of-the-box SAST support for Java 8
- Outdated indices of Advanced Search migrations
- Pseudonymizer
- Querying Usage Trends via the instanceStatisticsMeasurements GraphQL node
- Request profiling
- Required pipeline configurations in Premium tier
- Retire-JS Dependency Scanning tool
- SAST schemas below 14.0.0
- SAST support for .NET 2.1
- Secret Detection configuration variables deprecated
- Secret detection schemas below 14.0.0
- Secure and Protect analyzer images published in new location
- Secure and Protect analyzer major version update
- Sidekiq metrics and health checks configuration
- Static Site Editor
- Support for SLES 12 SP2
- Support for gRPC-aware proxy deployed between Gitaly and rest of GitLab
- Test coverage project CI/CD setting
- Tracing in GitLab
- Update to the Container Registry group-level API
- Value Stream Analytics filtering calculation change
- Vulnerability Check
- Versions on base PackageType
- artifacts:reports:cobertura keyword
- defaultMergeCommitMessageWithDescription GraphQL API field
- dependency_proxy_for_private_groups feature flag
- pipelines field from the version field
- projectFingerprint in PipelineSecurityReportFinding GraphQL
- promote-db command from gitlab-ctl
- promote-to-primary-node command from gitlab-ctl
- type and types keyword in CI/CD configuration
- apiFuzzingCiConfigurationCreate GraphQL mutation
- bundler-audit Dependency Scanning tool
- htpasswd Authentication for the Container Registry
- user_email_lookup_limit API field
- Permissions change for downloading Composer dependencies
- Configurable Gitaly per_repository election strategy
- openSUSE Leap 15.2 packages
- Release CLI distributed as a generic package
- Rename Task Runner pod to Toolbox

Author Checklist

  • Provided a concise title for this Merge Request (MR)
  • Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per say why, not just what
    • Copy/paste the Slack conversation to document it for later, or upload screenshots. Verify that no confidential data is added, and the content is SAFE
  • Assign reviewers for this MR to the correct Directly Responsible Individual/s (DRI)
    • If the DRI for the page/s being updated isn’t immediately clear, then assign it to one of the people listed in the Maintained by section on the page being edited
    • If your manager does not have merge rights, please ask someone to merge it AFTER it has been approved by your manager in #mr-buddies
    • The when to get approval handbook section explains the workflow in more detail
  • If the changes affect team members, or warrant an announcement in another way, please consider posting an update in #whats-happening-at-gitlab linking to this MR
    • If this is a change that directly impacts the majority of global team members, it should be a candidate for #company-fyi. Please work with internal communications and check the handbook for examples.

Edited by Chase Southard

Merge request reports