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Draft: New content block for blog homepage

Tieme Akamine requested to merge 1936-new-content-block-blog-homepage into master


Create a way for us to add in a box for podcasts, webcasts, ebooks, or whatever we want to promote on the blog home page. The component must be flexible and easy to update and add/change items.

Code Changes

I added a new multimedia section following the Figma layout and created a new folder to add the link files. To create a new link/item the person can create a file at the sites/uncategorized/source/media-links/posts path. The properties on the file are:

  • title: "The text that will appear as the link title"
  • category: (the category can be 'audio', 'video' or 'reading', depending of the chosen category it will appear on the respective column)
  • description: "the description for the link"
  • image_title: 'the image path will be here'
  • alt: 'the alt text for the image'
  • url: "the link the text will take to"

Everything but the image_title and alt is mandatory, if there's one of those two properties missing the column will render the example thumbnail (found on Figma)

I added some files with different situations so we can check all the behavior.

Click to expand image

Other changes

On the Figma file, there was a note asking to use the slipper's component for titles/texts. Since we can't use them on the blog (because it's using ruby/haml) I applied the same CSS properties found on Figma:

Click to expand image

Closes gitlab-com/marketing/digital-experience/buyer-experience#1936 (closed)

Edited by Tieme Akamine

Merge request reports