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MktgOps: 20230130 - 20230212

Amy Waller requested to merge MktgOps2023013020230212 into master

Why is this change being made?

  1. List out new prioritization labels for work w/ Sales systems, updated some processes @amy.waller
  2. Made small tweak to list import page, more defined process @jburton
  3. Add Litmus Chrome extension information @jennyt
  4. Started to build out tool eval best practices/guidance section - @nikkiroth
  5. Internal hb updates for routing @gillmurphy
  6. Updates to Partner Qualified Lead @amy.waller @stran5
  7. Updated ON24 attended on-demand instructions @jburton
  8. update outreach provisioning @gillmurphy
  9. fix spelling mistake @gillmurphy
  10. Add info about on24 tech support @nikkiroth
  11. Updated OKR section of MOps page to link to OKRs in GL @nikkiroth
  12. Added wording to Marketo page about 70 demographic score limit @jburton
  13. Updated segmentations @amy.waller @jennyt
  14. Updated Marketo set-up information for self-service process and template changes - @jennyt

Author Checklist

  • Provided a concise title for this Merge Request (MR)
  • Added a description to this MR explaining the reasons for the proposed change, per say why, not just what
    • Copy/paste the Slack conversation to document it for later, or upload screenshots. Verify that no confidential data is added, and the content is SAFE
  • Assign reviewers for this MR to the correct Directly Responsible Individual/s (DRI)
    • If the DRI for the page/s being updated isn’t immediately clear, then assign it to one of the people listed in the Maintained by section on the page being edited
    • If your manager does not have merge rights, please ask someone to merge it AFTER it has been approved by your manager in #mr-buddies
    • The when to get approval handbook section explains the workflow in more detail
  • If the changes affect team members, or warrant an announcement in another way, please consider posting an update in #whats-happening-at-gitlab linking to this MR
    • If this is a change that directly impacts the majority of global team members, it should be a candidate for #company-fyi. Please work with internal communications and check the handbook for examples.

Edited by Jenny Tiemann

Merge request reports