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PE split

James Heimbuck requested to merge jheimbuck_gl-master-patch-95658 into master


Discussion about the split is in this issue. This formalizes groups with full stack engineering managers per the proposal in No new categories or direction changes.


Merge requests with changes to stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:

  • VP of Product @david
  • The Product Director relevant to the affected Section(s) @ogolowinski
  • The Engineering Director relevant to the affected Section(s) @sgoldstein
  • Director of Product Design @vkarnes

The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:

  • Chief Technology Officer @akramer
  • Vice President of Development @clefelhocz1
  • Vice President of Quality @meks
  • Vice President of User Experience @clenneville
  • The Product Marketing Manager relevant to the stage group(s)
  • Director of Technical Writing @susantacker

After Approvals and Merge

Edited by Cheryl Li

Merge request reports