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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • Work related to investigating, evaluating or analyzing tools, products, designs, processes, etc to be delivered by SecAuto
  • secauto|taskbug
    Malfunction in a product, component or tooling created by SecAuto
  • Documentation of analysis results, techniques, components, features or products by SecAuto
  • Improvement or feature to be implemented in a SecAuto product or a supporting component initiated by an external team
  • Outages and related fire-fighting related to products and tooling by SecAuto
  • Work on non-product-related tooling internal to the Security Automation team
  • Recurring or one-off work required to keep our products operative and usable
  • Signals that an issue and discussions contained therein are related to the management of the SecAuto team and ancillary topics
  • Signals that the SecAuto team is working on a task but is waiting for input from the customer.
  • Signals that a work unit and associated results require joint review by the SecAuto manager
  • Signals that a work unit and associated results require review by SecAuto team
  • Signals that a work unit cannot be brought forward by SecAuto due to one or multiple blockers
  • Signals that a work unit is no longer desired and hence shall not be delivered by SecAuto
  • Signals that a work unit has been both delivered by SecAuto and accepted by the final customer
  • Signals that a work unit is in-progress and to be delivered by SecAuto
  • secauto|workflownew
    Signals that this is a new potential task for the SecAuto team to triage, prioritize and if accepted execute on
  • Signals that a work unit has been triaged, properly scoped and is ready to be worked on by SecAuto