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  • Stephanie Jackson's avatar
    Add a thanos-staging service · 1fb3c122
    Stephanie Jackson authored and Bob Van Landuyt's avatar Bob Van Landuyt committed
    This adds a new service `thanos-staging` to the metrics- and
    This will make it so we generate the same SLI rules for
    `thanos-staging` as we do for `thanos`. However, we cannot view these
    metrics in Grafana, as they are only present in `thanos-staging` and
    not in the production `thanos` that backs Grafana.
    To do this, we've added a `thanosType` field to
    `dangerouslyThanosEvaluated` services. When the `thanosType` is
    `thanos-staging`, we'll only generate and evaluate the SLI rules for
    the service in staging. For the other globally evaluated services,
    we're using `thanosType='thanos'`. This field will likely be
    refactored when we move all recording rules to thanos in