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Update file

Luke Duncalfe requested to merge ld-teleport-runbook-request-reason into master

This change updates the Teleport runbook to advise people to provide an issue URL or ZenDesk URL within the --request-reason, as providing an explanation only is not adequate according to my recent attempts to have access:

tsh login --request-roles=rails-console-ro-gprd --request-reason="To debug a SQL query that is timing out"

ERROR: request 01909e92-8656-7449-8d4a-4ff16258b532 has been set to DENIED, reason="Could you please provide a non-slack ling as the source of work? Slack messages have a retention period of 90 days."

tsh login --request-roles=rails-console-ro-gprd --request-reason="To debug a SQL query that is timing out, related to this line of code"

ERROR: request 01909e94-3a92-759a-9f8c-9a099dd2fce8 has been set to DENIED, reason="Sorry for the confusion! Can you please provide an issue link or a Zendesk ticket link?"
Edited by Luke Duncalfe

Merge request reports