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Specify offset on source metrics aggregation set

Bob Van Landuyt requested to merge bvl/source-aggregation-set-offset into master

Specify offset on source metrics aggregation set

This allows adding an offset: attribute to an aggregation set that collects source metrics.

The offset is specified in the form of a PromQL duration, and the validation ensures that it is.

When an offset is specified, the recording rules generated for the aggregation set will include that specified duration offsetting the source metrics used for the recording.

This merge request applies this for the featureCategory and the promSourceSLIs aggregation sets that are currently evaluated in prometheus. This does add some delay to the metrics that are visible, but we'll reduce this again when we move the metrics to Thanos in gitlab-com/gl-infra&1098 (closed).

This only works for aggregating metrics directly from source, aggregation sets that are used to transform other metrics don't implement this yet.

For gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability#2482 (closed)

Merge request reports