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RM dashboard to use string for sha and version

Steve Abrams requested to merge rm-num-string-fix into master

The release management dashboard was not specifying the unit type for displaying the sha and version in the first few panels so it was defaulting to Number. We ran into a situation where the sha was something like 18e41223786, which caused it to be recognized as an exponential number ((18)10^41223786) and displayed as infinity:


This MR explicitly sets the unit to String to prevent that from happening.

Before After
Screenshot_2023-03-16_at_2.46.02_PM Screenshot_2023-03-16_at_2.47.31_PM
Inspecting the panel JSON shows "unit": "none" Screenshot_2023-03-16_at_2.50.11_PM Inspecting the panel JSON shows "unit": "String" Screenshot_2023-03-16_at_2.49.58_PM

Snapshot dashboard:

Edited by Steve Abrams

Merge request reports