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MVC2 Source + Edit Footer Buttons - Navigation MR

Megan Filo requested to merge mvc2-view-source-functionality-with-cms into main

Related: buyer-experience#3085 (closed) + #174 (closed)

What's changing in this MR?

  • New fields have been added to our Footer content type (Navigation space) to allow for whole sentences instead of individual words/JSON. The code has been updated accordingly. This is related to localization improvements.
  • Adding the Source/Edit buttons back in. Changing them to links that open in a new tab. The source link is hardcoded, while the edit link is compiled within BE and dropped in as a prop.

Note: the Edit page link will not render if a Contentful Entry URL prop is not received. The link will not show on pages that have not been converted (see BE MR) OR are created from a yml file.

Buyer experience MR related to these changes: buyer-experience!3174 (merged)

Either of these MRs can be merged before the other without breaking anything.

Footer Links - Page does not have Contentful ID image
Footer Links - Page has Contentful ID


Edited by Megan Filo

Merge request reports