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feat(Solutions): Solutions main template contentful implementation

Closes #2922 (closed)

What is changing in this MR?

Changes in contentful

  1. Add componentName attribute to the following content-types in order to handle dynamic components use by the _solutions template:

  2. Add Custom Fields attribute to the following content-types in order to have custom JSON fields:

  3. Create Block Group content type

  4. Add CTA button reference in:

  5. Add Content field in Side Menu Content Type in order to have dynamic inner components for the Side Navigation

  6. Add Image and Video fields in Card Group Content Type in order to handle components like BySolutionsBenefits or ByIndustrySolutionsBlock

Review Apps

Contentful Entry Review App Production Template
Value Stream Management VSM Review VSM Prod /solutions/value-stream-management/_slug.vue
Value Stream Management - DORA DORA Review DORA Prod /solutions/value-stream-management/_slug.vue
Agile Delivery Agile Delivery Review Agile Delivery Prod /_solutions.vue
Cloud Native Cloud Native Review Cloud Native Prod /_solutions.vue
DevOps Platform DevOps Platform Review DevOps Platform Prod /_solutions.vue
Digital Transformation Digital Transformation Review Digital Transformation Prod /_solutions.vue
Faster Software Delivery Faster Software Delivery Review Faster Software Delivery Prod /_solutions.vue
GitHub GitHub Review GitHub Prod /_solutions.vue
Jenkis Jenkins Review Jenkins Prod /_solutions.vue
Jira Jira Review Jira Prod /_solutions.vue
Kubernetes Kubernetes Review Kubernetes Prod /_solutions.vue
Slack Slack Review Kubernetes Prod /_solutions.vue
Compliance Compliance Review Compliance Prod /_solutions.vue
Continuous Software Compliance CSC Review CSC Prod /_solutions.vue
Finance Finance Review Finance Prod /_solutions.vue
Continuous Software Security Assurance CSSA Review CSSA Prod /_solutions.vue
Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Review Continuous Integration Prod /_solutions.vue
Delivery Automation Delivery Automation Review Delivery Automation Prod /_solutions.vue
GitOps GitOps Review GitOps Prod /_solutions.vue
Innersource Innersource Review Innersource Prod /_solutions.vue
Portfolio Management Portfolio Management Review Portfolio Management Prod /_solutions.vue
Public Sector Public Sector Review Public Sector Prod /_solutions.vue
Security Compliance Security Compliance Review Security Compliance Prod /_solutions.vue
Source Code Management Source Code Management Review Source Code Management Prod /_solutions.vue
Supply Chain Supply Chain Review Supply Chain Prod /_solutions.vue
Edited by John Arias Castillo

Merge request reports