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Fixing broken link to namespace documentation

Dylan Tragjasi requested to merge dtragjasi-main-patch-82171 into main

Step 1: What is changing in this MR

The current hyperlink for our namespace documentation uses an incorrect URL. I have updated the URL to:

Step 2: Ensure that your changes comply with the following, where applicable:

  • I, the Assignee, have run Axe tools on any updated pages, and fixed the relevant accessibility issues.
  • These changes meet a specific OKR or item in our Quarterly Plan.
  • These changes work on both Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
  • These changes have been reviewed for Visual Quality Assurance and Functional Quality Assurance on Mobile, Desktop, and Tablet.
  • These changes work with our Google Analytics and SEO tools.
  • These changes have been documented as expected.

Step 3: Add the appropriate labels for triage

This MR will have dex-approval::2-standard automatically applied, but please update it as follows. If deciding between two levels, go with the higher of the two:

  1. dex-approval::1-minor
    1. Example of the type of change: typos or content changes.
      1. Anyone on the Digital Experience team can approve and merge.
      2. Once approved by the Digital Experience team, the MR creator can merge.
    2. Example of the type of change: /customers filter is displaying the wrong results.
      1. Anyone on the Digital Experience team can approve and merge.
      2. Once approved by the Digital Experience team, the MR creator can merge.

Step 4: Tag the appropriate person for review

Depending on which label is used, you may tag the following people as a Reviewer on this MR:

  1. Level 1: Any member of the Digital Experience Team

Merge request reports