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Prioritized labels 0

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Labels 3,295

  • Signals that a work unit and associated results require review by SecAuto team
  • Signals that a work unit cannot be brought forward by SecAuto due to one or multiple blockers
  • Signals that a work unit is no longer desired and hence shall not be delivered by SecAuto
  • Signals that a work unit has been both delivered by SecAuto and accepted by the final customer
  • Signals that a work unit is in-progress and to be delivered by SecAuto
  • secauto|workflownew
    Signals that this is a new potential task for the SecAuto team to triage, prioritize and if accepted execute on
  • Signals that a work unit has been triaged, properly scoped and is ready to be worked on by SecAuto
  • Issues that are blocked and need a resolution plan or escalation. Move to ~"seccomp workflow::in progress" once unblocked.
  • Issue closed because the work was cancelled because it was no longer needed or relevant.
  • Issue closed because work is completed as described.
  • Issues that are being actively worked by the team and should have a health status and an assignee. Stale issues with this label should be moved to blocked or cancelled.
  • Refined backlog (accompanied by ~"seccomp priority::" label). These issues will be picked up as other issues are closed. (To Do)
  • Skip to ::ready if work is well defined. These issues need peer review or further refinement and prioritization so they can be included in the Ready bucket. (Should Do)