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Add the Postgres exporter to Kubernetes for CustomersDot - Staging only

Etienne Baqué requested to merge eb-prom-postgres-customersdot into master

Related to

This MR is extracted from this other MR. It adds Postgresql exporter to Kubernetes for Customersdot.

Like the blackbox exporter, this exporter is made available as a chart in the prometheus-community/helm-charts project, already used in the Gitlab Helmfiles for monitoring.


Chart values

helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus-postgres-exporter > prometheus-postgres-exporter

Example values for prometheus-postgres-exporter chart

Manual tests

As both exporters were tested at the same time, you can check out test results in the original MR.

How to get CustomersDot staging database passwords

  • Clone to this (private) project and cd into it
  • Run ansible-vault edit --vault-id stg@prompt group_vars/stg/vault.yml
  • You'll find the password to decrypt the vault in 1Password (1Password vault: Subscription portal - Name: CustomersDot Ansible - Staging vault)
  • In the Staging vault, the db password is the value of vault_postgresql_db_password.
Edited by Etienne Baqué

Merge request reports