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fix: add k8s labels back to kube-state-metrics

Steve Xuereb requested to merge steveazz/add-label-allow-list into master


When rolling out the prometheus helm chart upgrade in gprd we started seeing some metrics disappear. As part of the upgrade we are updating kube-state-metrics from v1.9.7 to v2.2.0.

This is because we have a recording rule kube_ingress_labels:labeled that depends on kube_ingress_labels having kubernetes labels as part of the metric label. As pointed out by Ahmad this was changed in so this ended up removing some labels from our metrics which we depend on such as lbel_stage and label_tier.


Define kube-state-metrics.metricLabelsAllowlist where you specify the resource that you want and which labels.

For example, if you define deployments=[INeedThisLabel] it will add the INeedThisLabel to the metric label. Using [*] means it will add every label.

The full list of resources can be found in

The list of resources was picked by looking at the usage of these metrics inside of our runbooks using ripgrep we can grep for kube_.*_labels where .* is for the resource. Then when we add the resources that we wanted we can filter them out to see if we missed anything runbooks master rg 'kube_.*_labels' | rg -v -e 'gitlab:kube_node_pool_label' -e 'pod' -e 'deployment' -e 'ingress' -e 'node' -e 'hpa'. Note that gitlab:kube_node_pool_label is a recording rule and not something kube-state-metrics exposes


You can test these locally in a minikube cluster helmfile -e minikube apply

Find the IP of kube-state-metrics with kubectl -n monitoring get svc gitlab-monitoring-kube-state-metrics then run the following curl requests and make sure the label_* is present.

$ curl -s | grep 'kube_ingress_labels'
$ curl -s | grep 'kube_node_labels'
$ curl -s | grep 'kube_pod_labels'
$ curl -s | grep 'kube_deployment_labels'
$ curl -s | grep 'kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_labels'

Thanos links to check on pre when this is deployed:

Some other dashboard that we should look at:

To compare you can update the query to {env="grpd"} so that you can compare to what we have in gprd (known good)


Edited by Steve Xuereb

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