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Labels 3,886

  • AppSecWeightXLarge
    ~5-10 days: Very complex, requires major portion of a milestone to resolve
  • AppSecWeightlarge
    ~3-5 days: Significant investigation and/or collaboration needed
  • AppSecWeightmedium
    ~1-3 days: Some investigation and/or collaboration needed
  • AppSecWeightsmall
    ~0.5 - 1 day: Straight forward change, minimal investigation
  • AppSecWeighttrivial
    Minimal effort, trivial change required to resolve the issue
  • This is a label used by the Application Security team to apply on everything that's related to our critical projects.
  • Indicates the work was associated to cross-team help/collaboration
  • Indicates the work was associated to a customer escalating a security issue
  • Indicates the work was associated to HackerOne administration
  • AppSec work not covered by other AppSecWorkType labels
  • Indicates the work was associated to a SIRT incidents and/or Security communications work
  • Indicates the work was associated to the AppSec Security release task issue duties