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feat: POC testing tool

Andrew Newdigate requested to merge manitest-poc into main

This adds a POC testing tool. This tool would improve the DX experience of testing jsonnet on GitLab Dedicated greatly.

jsonnet-tool test

This tool allows for Jsonnet manifested output to be tested against fixture files.

The term "manitest" is a portmanteau of "manifest" and "test".

Each test case is kept in a file with the .manitest.jsonnet suffix.

  // Each test case has an arbitrary name
  testcase1: {
    actual: a_function_being_tested(),
    expectJSON: './fixtures/test1.testcase1.json',
  // Each test case has an arbitrary name
  testcase2: {
    actual: std.manifestYamlDoc({ hello: 'world' }),
    expectYAML: './fixtures/test1.testcase2.yaml',

Expectation Matchers

At present, two types of expectation matchers are available:

  1. expectJSON will match the actual value against a JSON fixture file.
  2. expectYAML will match the actual value against a YAML fixture file.
  3. Additional expectation matchers will be added an necessary.
$ cat examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
{ ... }
$ jsonnet-tool test examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
▶️  Executing manitest examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
  ✔️  testcase1
  ✔️  testcase2
  Completed examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet


Jsonnet test performance can be greatly improved by caching results. The jsonnet-tool test harness will analyze which files and fixtures, including all dependencies imported via import, importstr, importbin etc and, if the none of the files have changes, skip them from the test run.

Since jsonnet is hermitic, meaning that the output is always the same if the input and files are the same, this is a safe operation.

Caching can be enabled with the --cache flag.

$ time jsonnet-tool test --cache examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
▶️  Executing manitest examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
  ✔️  examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet (all tests) (cached)
  Completed examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
./jsonnet-tool test examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet --cache  0.00s user 0.01s system 2% cpu 0.593 total


jsonnet-tool test will include color-coded diff comparing the actual and expected values.


Rewriting Fixtures

When performing large refactors, it can sometimes be preferable to simply rewrite all fixtures and carefully review the changes instead of manually updating each fixture.

jsonnet-tool test can perform this, using the --write-fixtures option.

$ jsonnet-tool test  examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet --write-fixtures
▶️  Executing manitest examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
  ✔️  testcase1
  ✔️  testcase2
  Completed examples/tests/test1.manitest.jsonnet
$ git diff
# compare output and, if correct, commit the change
Edited by Andrew Newdigate

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