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chore(deps): update terraform aws to v5.32.1

Renovate Bot requested to merge renovate/aws-5.x-lockfile into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
aws (source) required_provider minor 5.18.1 -> 5.32.1

Release Notes

hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws (aws)


Compare Source


  • data-source/aws_ecr_image: Fix error when most_recent is not also latest (#​35269)
  • resource/aws_iot_ca_certificate: Change registration_config.role_arn from TypeBool to TypeString, fixing Inappropriate value for attribute "role_arn": a bool is required errors (#​35234)
  • resource/aws_mq_broker: Fix interface conversion: interface {} is *schema.Set, not []string panic (#​35265)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: aws_mq_broker_engine_types (#​34232)
  • New Data Source: aws_msk_bootstrap_brokers (#​32484)
  • New Data Source: aws_verifiedpermissions_policy_store (#​32204)
  • New Resource: aws_ebs_fast_snapshot_restore (#​35211)
  • New Resource: aws_elasticache_serverless_cache (#​34951)
  • New Resource: aws_imagebuilder_workflow (#​35097)
  • New Resource: aws_kinesis_resource_policy (#​35167)
  • New Resource: aws_prometheus_scraper (#​34749)
  • New Resource: aws_securitylake_aws_log_source (#​34974)
  • New Resource: aws_ssoadmin_application_access_scope (#​34811)
  • New Resource: aws_verifiedpermissions_policy_store (#​32204)
  • New Resource: aws_verifiedpermissions_policy_template (#​32205)
  • New Resource: aws_verifiedpermissions_schema (#​32204)


  • data-source/aws_batch_compute_environment: Add update_policy attribute (#​34353)
  • data-source/aws_ecr_image: Add image_uri attribute (#​24526)
  • data-source/aws_efs_file_system: Add lifecycle_policy.transition_to_archive attribute (#​35096)
  • data-source/aws_efs_file_system: Add protection attribute (#​35029)
  • data-source/aws_elastic_beanstalk_hosted_zone: Add hosted zone ID for il-central-1 AWS Region (#​35131)
  • data-source/aws_elb_hosted_zone_id: Add hosted zone ID for ca-west-1 AWS Region (#​35131)
  • data-source/aws_fsx_ontap_file_system: Add ha_pairs and throughput_capacity_per_ha_pair attributes (#​34993)
  • data-source/aws_glue_catalog_table: Add region attribute to target_table block. (#​34817)
  • data-source/aws_lambda_function: Add logging_config attribute (#​35050)
  • data-source/aws_lb_hosted_zone_id: Add hosted zone IDs for ca-west-1 AWS Region (#​35131)
  • data-source/aws_lb_target_group: Add load_balancing_anomaly_mitigation attribute (#​35083)
  • data-source/aws_msk_configuration: Remove name length validation (#​34399)
  • data-source/aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy: Add firewall_policy.tls_inspection_configuration_arn attribute (#​35094)
  • data-source/aws_prometheus_workspace: Add kms_key_arn attribute (#​35062)
  • data-source/aws_route53_resolver_endpoint: Add protocols attribute (#​35098)
  • data-source/aws_route53_resolver_endpoint: Add resolver_endpoint_type attribute (#​34798)
  • data-source/aws_s3_bucket: Add hosted zone ID for ca-west-1 AWS Region (#​35131)
  • provider: Support ca-west-1 as a valid AWS Region (#​35131)
  • resource/aws_appflow_flow: Add destination_connector_properties.s3.s3_output_format_config.target_file_size argument (#​35215)
  • resource/aws_appstream_fleet: Increase idle_disconnect_timeout_in_seconds max value for validation to 360000 (#​35173)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Add instance_refresh.preferences.max_healthy_percentage attribute (#​34929)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Fix ValidationError: The instance ... is not part of Auto Scaling group ... errors on resource Delete when disabling scale-in protection for instances that are already fully terminated (#​35071)
  • resource/aws_batch_compute_environment: Add update_policy parameter (#​34353)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_definition: Add scheduling_priority argument and arn_prefix attribute (#​34997)
  • resource/aws_cloud9_environment_ec2: Add amazonlinux-2023-x86_64 and resolve:ssm:/aws/service/cloud9/amis/amazonlinux-2023-x86_64 as valid values for image_id (#​35020)
  • resource/aws_codepipeline: Add pipeline_type argument and variable configuration block (#​34841)
  • resource/aws_dms_replication_task: Allow cdc_start_time to use RFC3339 formatted dates in addition to UNIX timestamps (#​31917)
  • resource/aws_dms_replication_task: Remove ForceNew from replication_instance_arn, allowing in-place migration between DMS instances (#​30721)
  • resource/aws_efs_file_system: Add lifecycle_policy.transition_to_archive argument (#​35096)
  • resource/aws_efs_file_system: Add protection configuration block (#​35029)
  • resource/aws_efs_replication_configuration: Increase Create timeout to 20 minutes (#​34955)
  • resource/aws_efs_replication_configuration: Mark destination.file_system_id as Optional, enabling EFS replication fallback (#​34955)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_dataview: Increase default create, update, and delete timeouts to 4 hours (#​35207)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_scaling_group: Increase default create, delete timeouts to 4 hours (#​35206)
  • resource/aws_fsx_lustre_file_system: Allow per_unit_storage_throughput to be updated in-place (#​34932)
  • resource/aws_fsx_ontap_file_system: Add ha_pairs and throughput_capacity_per_ha_pair arguments (#​34993)
  • resource/aws_fsx_ontap_file_system: Increase maximum value of disk_iops_configuration.iops to 2400000 (#​34993)
  • resource/aws_fsx_ontap_file_system: throughput_capacity is Optional (#​34993)
  • resource/aws_glue_catalog_table: Add region attribute to target_table block. (#​34817)
  • resource/aws_glue_classifier: Add csv_classifier.serde argument (#​34251)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Add opensearch_configuration.document_id_options configuration block (#​35137)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Add splunk_configuration.buffering_interval and splunk_configuration.buffering_size arguments (#​35137)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Adjust elasticsearch_configuration.buffering_interval, http_endpoint_configuration.buffering_interval, opensearch_configuration.buffering_interval, opensearchserverless_configuration.buffering_interval, redshift_configuration.s3_backup_configuration.buffering_interval,extended_s3_configuration.s3_backup_configuration.buffering_interval, elasticsearch_configuration.s3_configuration.buffering_interval, http_endpoint_configuration.s3_configuration.buffering_interval, opensearch_configuration.s3_configuration.buffering_interval, opensearchserverless_configuration.s3_configuration.buffering_interval, redshift_configuration.s3_configuration.buffering_interval and splunk_configuration.s3_configuration.buffering_interval minimum values to 0 to support zero buffering (#​35137)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Add xks_key_id attribute (#​31216)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add logging_config configuration block in support of advanced logging controls (#​35050)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support for python3.12 runtime value (#​35049)
  • resource/aws_lambda_layer_version: Add support for python3.12 compatible_runtimes value (#​35049)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Add load_balancing_anomaly_mitigation argument (#​35083)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Add weighted_random as a valid value for load_balancing_algorithm_type (#​35083)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Add storage_type argument (#​34985)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster_instance: Add storage_type attribute (#​34985)
  • resource/aws_networkfirewall_firewall: Add configurable timeouts (#​34918)
  • resource/aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy: Add firewall_policy.tls_inspection_configuration_arn argument (#​35094)
  • resource/aws_prometheus_workspace: Add kms_key_arn argument, enabling encryption at-rest using AWS KMS Customer Managed Keys (CMK) (#​35062)
  • resource/aws_redshiftserverless_workgroup: Add port argument (#​34925)
  • resource/aws_route53_resolver_endpoint: Add protocols argument (#​35098)
  • resource/aws_route53_resolver_endpoint: Add resolver_endpoint_type argument (#​34798)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Modify resource Read to support third-party S3 API implementations. Because we cannot easily test this functionality, it is best effort and we ask for community help in testing (#​35035)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Modify server-side encryption configuration error handling, enabling support for NetApp StorageGRID (#​34890)
  • resource/aws_transfer_server: Add TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-Experimental-2023-04 and TransferSecurityPolicy-PQ-SSH-FIPS-Experimental-2023-04 as valid values for security_policy_name (#​35129)
  • resource/aws_verifiedaccess_endpoint: Add policy_document argument (#​34264)


  • data-source/aws_lb_target_group: Change deregistration_delay from TypeInt to TypeString (#​31436)
  • data-source/aws_s3_bucket_object: Remove any leading ./ from key to maintain AWS SDK for Go v1 (pre-v5.17.0) compatibility (#​35223)
  • data-source/aws_s3_object: Remove any leading ./ from key to maintain AWS SDK for Go v1 (pre-v5.17.0) compatibility (#​35223)
  • resource/aws_cloud9_environment_ec2: image_id is Required (#​35020)
  • resource/aws_codebuild_project: Prevent erroneous diffs on build_timeout and queued_timeout for Lambda compute types (#​35043)
  • resource/aws_datasync_agent: Fix import of agents created with activation_key by removing requirement for one of ip_address or activation_key to be set (#​35150)
  • resource/aws_dms_replication_config: Prevent erroneous diffs on replication_settings (#​34356)
  • resource/aws_dms_replication_task: Prevent erroneous diffs on replication_task_settings (#​34356)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Fix error when waiting for snapshot to be created (#​34848)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_dataview: Properly set arn attribute on read, resolving persistent differences when tags are configured (#​34998)
  • resource/aws_glue_catalog_database: Properly handle out-of-band resource deletion (#​35195)
  • resource/aws_iot_indexing_configuration: Correct plan-time validation of thing_indexing_configuration.filter.named_shadow_names (#​35225)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Fix InvalidArgumentException: Both BufferSizeInMBs and BufferIntervalInSeconds are required to configure buffering for lambda processor errors on resource Update (#​26964)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Fix perpetual extended_s3_configuration.processing_configuration.processors.parameters diffs when processor type is Lambda (#​35137)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Ensure lambda does not get deployed if source_code_hash does not change. (#​29921)
  • resource/aws_lb: Fix ValidationError: Attributes cannot be empty errors (#​35228)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Fix diff on stickiness.cookie_name when stickiness.type is lb_cookie (#​31436)
  • resource/aws_memorydb_cluster: Treat snapshotting status as pending when creating cluster (#​31077)
  • resource/aws_ram_principal_association: Fix reading RAM Resource Share (...) Principal Association (...): couldn't find resource (21 retries) errors when a high number of principals are associated with a resource share (#​34738)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_object: Remove any leading ./ from key to maintain AWS SDK for Go v1 (pre-v5.17.0) compatibility (#​35223)
  • resource/aws_s3_object: Remove any leading ./ from key to maintain AWS SDK for Go v1 (pre-v5.17.0) compatibility (#​35223)
  • resource/aws_s3_object_copy: Remove any leading ./ from key to maintain AWS SDK for Go v1 (pre-v5.17.0) compatibility (#​35223)
  • resource/aws_secretsmanager_secret_rotation: No longer ignores changes to rotation_rules.automatically_after_days when rotation_rules.schedule_expression is set. (#​35024)
  • resource/aws_ses_configuration_set: Fix tracking_options being omitted from state and resulting in persistent diff (#​35056)
  • resource/aws_ssoadmin_application: Fix portal_options.sign_in_options.application_url triggering ValidationError when unset (#​34967)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: aws_polly_voices (#​34916)
  • New Data Source: aws_ssoadmin_application_assignments (#​34796)
  • New Data Source: aws_ssoadmin_principal_application_assignments (#​34815)
  • New Resource: aws_finspace_kx_dataview (#​34828)
  • New Resource: aws_finspace_kx_scaling_group (#​34832)
  • New Resource: aws_finspace_kx_volume (#​34833)
  • New Resource: aws_ssoadmin_trusted_token_issuer (#​34839)


  • data-source/aws_cloudwatch_log_group: Add log_group_class attribute (#​34812)
  • data-source/aws_dms_endpoint: Add postgres_settings attribute (#​34724)
  • data-source/aws_lb: Add connection_logs attribute (#​34864)
  • data-source/aws_lb: Add dns_record_client_routing_policy attribute (#​34135)
  • data-source/aws_opensearchserverless_collection: Add standby_replicas attribute (#​34677)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Add support for IBM Db2 databases (#​34834)
  • resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add elasticsearch_settings.use_new_mapping_type argument (#​29470)
  • resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add postgres_settings configuration block (#​34724)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_cluster: Add database.dataview_name, scaling_group_configuration, and tickerplant_log_configuration arguments. (#​34831)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_cluster: The capacity_configuration argument is now optional. (#​34831)
  • resource/aws_lb: Add connection_logs configuration block (#​34864)
  • resource/aws_lb: Add plan-time validation that exactly one of either subnets or subnet_mapping is configured (#​33205)
  • resource/aws_lb: Allow the number of subnet_mappings for Application Load Balancers to be changed without recreating the resource (#​33205)
  • resource/aws_lb: Allow the number of subnet_mappings for Network Load Balancers to be increased without recreating the resource (#​33205)
  • resource/aws_lb: Allow the number of subnets for Network Load Balancers to be increased without recreating the resource (#​33205)
  • resource/aws_opensearchserverless_collection: Add standby_replicas attribute (#​34677)


  • data-source/aws_ecr_pull_through_cache_rule: Fix plan time validation for ecr_repository_prefix (#​34716)
  • provider: Always use the S3 regional endpoint in us-east-1 for S3 directory bucket operations. This fixes no such host errors (#​34893)
  • resource/aws_appmesh_virtual_node: Remove limit of 50 backends per virtual node (#​34774)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_group: Fix invalid new value for .skip_destroy: was cty.False, but now null errors (#​30354)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_group: Remove default value (STANDARD) for log_group_class argument and mark as Computed. This fixes InvalidParameterException: Only Standard log class is supported errors in AWS Regions other than AWS Commercial (#​34812)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Fix error where Terraform loses track of resource if Blue/Green Deployment is applied outside of Terraform (#​34728)
  • resource/aws_dms_event_subscription: source_ids and source_type are Required (#​33731)
  • resource/aws_ecr_pull_through_cache_rule: Fix plan time validation for ecr_repository_prefix (#​34716)
  • resource/aws_lb: Correct in-place update of security_groups for Network Load Balancers when the new value is Computed (#​33205)
  • resource/aws_lb: Fix InvalidConfigurationRequest: Load balancer attribute key 'dns_record.client_routing_policy' is not supported on load balancers with type 'network' errors on resource Create in AWS GovCloud (US) (#​34135)
  • resource/aws_medialive_channel: Fixed errors related to setting the failover_condition argument (#​33410)
  • resource/aws_securitylake_data_lake: Fix reflect.Set: value of type basetypes.StringValue is not assignable to type types.ARN panic when importing resources with nil ARN fields (#​34820)
  • resource/aws_vpc: Increase IPAM pool allocation deletion timeout from 20 minutes to 35 minutes (#​34859)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: aws_codeguruprofiler_profiling_group (#​34672)
  • New Data Source: aws_ecr_repositories (#​34446)
  • New Data Source: aws_lb_trust_store (#​34584)
  • New Data Source: aws_ssoadmin_application (#​34773)
  • New Data Source: aws_ssoadmin_application_providers (#​34670)
  • New Resource: aws_codeguruprofiler_profiling_group (#​34672)
  • New Resource: aws_customerprofiles_domain (#​34622)
  • New Resource: aws_customerprofiles_profile (#​34622)
  • New Resource: aws_lb_trust_store (#​34584)
  • New Resource: aws_lb_trust_store_revocation (#​34584)
  • New Resource: aws_securitylake_data_lake (#​34521)
  • New Resource: aws_ssoadmin_application (#​34723)
  • New Resource: aws_ssoadmin_application_assignment (#​34741)
  • New Resource: aws_ssoadmin_application_assignment_configuration (#​34752)


  • data-source/aws_appconfig_configuration_profile: Add kms_key_identifier attribute (#​34725)
  • data-source/aws_lb: Add enforce_security_group_inbound_rules_on_private_link_traffic attribute (#​33767)
  • data-source/aws_lb_listener: Add mutual_authentication attribute (#​34584)
  • resource/aws_appconfig_configuration_profile: Add kms_key_identifier attribute (#​34725)
  • resource/aws_appconfig_deployment: Add kms_key_identifier attribute (#​34739)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_log_group: Add log_group_class argument (#​34679)
  • resource/aws_lb: Add enforce_security_group_inbound_rules_on_private_link_traffic argument (#​33767)
  • resource/aws_lb_listener: Add mutual_authentication configuration block (#​34584)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Fix stack overflow fatal errors on resource Delete when force_destroy is true and the bucket contains delete markers (#​34712)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_app: Add resource_spec.sagemaker_image_version_alias argument (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_app_image_config: Add jupyter_lab_image_config configuration block (#​34696)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_domain: Add default_user_settings.code_editor_app_settings, default_user_settings.custom_file_system_config, default_user_settings.custom_posix_user_config, default_user_settings.default_landing_uri, default_user_settings.jupyter_lab_app_settings, default_user_settings.space_storage_settings, default_user_settings.studio_web_portal arguments (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_domain: Add sagemaker_image_version_alias argument under all default_resource_spec blocks (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_domain: Add single_sign_on_application_arn attribute (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_space: Add sagemaker_image_version_alias argument under all default_resource_spec blocks (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_space: Add space_display_name argument (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_space: Add url attribute (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_user_profile: Add sagemaker_image_version_alias argument under all default_resource_spec blocks (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_user_profile: Add user_settings.code_editor_app_settings, user_settings.custom_file_system_config, user_settings.custom_posix_user_config, user_settings.default_landing_uri, user_settings.jupyter_lab_app_settings, user_settings.space_storage_settings, user_settings.studio_web_portal arguments (#​34729)
  • resource/aws_transfer_server: Add support for TransferSecurityPolicy-FIPS-2023-05 security_policy_name value (#​34709)


  • resource/aws_ami: Correctly sets deprecation_time on creation and update due to eventual consistency (#​34691)
  • resource/aws_ami: Correctly sets description on update due to eventual consistency (#​34691)
  • resource/aws_ami: Now allows removing deprecation_time (#​34691)
  • resource/aws_appflow_flow: Fix perpetual diff on destination_flow_config (#​34770)
  • resource/aws_backup_vault_policy: Fix eventual consistency error when waiting for IAM (#​34671)
  • resource/aws_eks_pod_identity_association: Retry IAM eventual consistency errors on create and update (#​34717)
  • resource/aws_glue_connection: Fix crash while creating resource with empty physical_connection_requirements configuration block (#​34737)


Compare Source


  • New Resource: aws_docdbelastic_cluster (#​31033)
  • New Resource: aws_eks_pod_identity_association (#​34566)


  • resource/aws_docdb_cluster: Add storage_type argument (#​34637)
  • resource/aws_neptune_parameter_group: Add name_prefix argument (#​34500)


  • resource/aws_networkmanager_attachment_accepter: Now revokes attachment on deletion for VPC Attachments (#​34547)
  • resource/aws_networkmanager_vpc_attachment: Fixes error when modifying options fields while waiting for acceptance (#​34547)
  • resource/aws_networkmanager_vpc_attachment: Fixes error where VPC Attachments waiting for acceptance could not be deleted (#​34547)
  • resource/aws_s3_directory_bucket: Fix NotImplemented: This bucket does not support Object Versioning errors on resource Delete when force_destroy is true (#​34647)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: aws_s3_directory_buckets (#​34612)
  • New Resource: aws_s3_directory_bucket (#​34612)


  • resource/aws_s3control_access_grants_instance: Add identity_center_arn argument and identity_center_application_arn attribute (#​34582)


  • resource/aws_elaticache_replication_group: Fix regression caused by the introduction of the auth_token_update_strategy argument with a default value (#​34600)


Compare Source


  • provider: This release includes an update to the AWS SDK for Go v2 with breaking type changes to several services: internetmonitor, ivschat, pipes, and s3. These changes primarily affect how arguments with default values are serialized for outbound requests, changing scalar types to pointers. See this AWS SDK for Go V2 issue for additional context. The corresponding provider changes should make this breakfix transparent to users, but as with any breaking change there is the potential for missed edge cases. If errors are observed in the impacted resources, please link to this dependency update pull request in the bug report (#​34476)


  • New Data Source: aws_emr_supported_instance_types (#​34481)
  • New Resource: aws_apprunner_default_auto_scaling_configuration_version (#​34292)
  • New Resource: aws_lexv2models_bot_version (#​33858)
  • New Resource: aws_s3control_access_grant (#​34564)
  • New Resource: aws_s3control_access_grants_instance (#​34564)
  • New Resource: aws_s3control_access_grants_instance_resource_policy (#​34564)
  • New Resource: aws_s3control_access_grants_location (#​34564)


  • resource/aws_apprunner_auto_scaling_configuration_version: Add has_associated_service and is_default attributes (#​34292)
  • resource/aws_apprunner_service: Add network_configuration.ip_address_type argument (#​34292)
  • resource/aws_apprunner_service: Add source_configuration.code_repository.source_directory argument to support monorepos (#​34292)
  • resource/aws_apprunner_service: Allow health_check_configuration to be updated in-place (#​34292)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_event_rule: Add state parameter and deprecate is_enabled parameter (#​34510)
  • resource/aws_elaticache_replication_group: Add auth_token_update_strategy argument (#​34460)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support for java21 runtime value (#​34476)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support for python3.12 runtime value (#​34533)
  • resource/aws_lambda_layer_version: Add support for java21 compatible_runtimes value (#​34476)
  • resource/aws_lambda_layer_version: Add support for python3.12 compatible_runtimes value (#​34533)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_logging: Add target_object_key_format configuration block to support automatic date-based partitioning (#​34504)


  • resource/aws_appflow_flow: Fix InvalidParameter: 2 validation error(s) found error when destination_flow_config or task is updated (#​34456)
  • resource/aws_appflow_flow: Fix interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not map[string]interface {} panic (#​34456)
  • resource/aws_apprunner_service: Correctly set service_url for private services (#​34292)
  • resource/aws_glue_trigger: Fix ConcurrentModificationException: Workflow <workflowName> was modified while adding trigger <triggerName> errors (#​34530)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Adds plan- and apply-time validation for invalid parameter combinations (#​34488)
  • resource/aws_lexv2_bot_locale: Fix voice_settings.engine validation, value conversion errors (#​34532)
  • resource/aws_lexv2models_bot: Properly send type argument on create and update when configured (#​34524)
  • resource/aws_pipes_pipe: Fix error when zero value is sent to source_parameters on update (#​34487)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: aws_iot_registration_code (#​15098)
  • New Resource: aws_bedrock_model_invocation_logging_configuration (#​34303)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_billing_group (#​31237)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_ca_certificate (#​15098)
  • New Resource: aws_iot_event_configurations (#​31237)


  • data-source/aws_autoscaling_group: Add instance_maintenance_policy attribute (#​34430)
  • provider: Adds https_proxy and no_proxy parameters. (#​34243)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Add instance_maintenance_policy configuration block (#​34430)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_cluster: Increase default create and update timeouts to 4 hours to allow for increased startup times with large volumes of cached data (#​34398)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_environment: Increase default delete timeout to 75 minutes (#​34398)
  • resource/aws_iam_group_policy_attachment: Add plan-time validation of policy_arn (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_iam_policy_attachment: Add plan-time validation of policy_arn (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_iam_role_policy_attachment: Add plan-time validation of policy_arn (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_iam_user_policy_attachment: Add plan-time validation of policy_arn (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_iot_ca_certificate: Add ca_certificate_id attribute (#​15098)
  • resource/aws_iot_policy: Add configurable timeouts (#​34329)
  • resource/aws_iot_policy: When updating the resource, delete the oldest non-default version of the policy if creating a new version would exceed the maximum number of versions (5) (#​34329)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add support for nodejs20.x and provided.al2023 runtime values (#​34401)
  • resource/aws_lambda_layer_version: Add support for nodejs20.x and provided.al2023 compatible_runtimes values (#​34401)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Add definition.sheets.visuals.kpi_visual.chart_configuration.kpi_options.sparkline attribute (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Add definition.sheets.visuals.kpi_visual.chart_configuration.kpi_options.visual_layout_options attribute (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Add number_display_format_configuration and percentage_display_format_configuration to nested numeric_format_configuration argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Add definition.sheets.visuals.kpi_visual.chart_configuration.kpi_options.sparkline attribute (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Add definition.sheets.visuals.kpi_visual.chart_configuration.kpi_options.visual_layout_options attribute (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Add number_display_format_configuration and percentage_display_format_configuration to nested numeric_format_configuration argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Add definition.sheets.visuals.kpi_visual.chart_configuration.kpi_options.sparkline attribute (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Add definition.sheets.visuals.kpi_visual.chart_configuration.kpi_options.visual_layout_options attribute (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Add number_display_format_configuration and percentage_display_format_configuration to nested numeric_format_configuration argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Add delete_automated_backups argument (#​34309)


  • resource/aws_chime_voice_connector: Fix read error when resource is not created in us-east-1 (#​34334)
  • resource/aws_chime_voice_connector_group: Fix read error when resource is not created in us-east-1 (#​34334)
  • resource/aws_chime_voice_connector_logging: Fix read error when resource is not created in us-east-1 (#​34334)
  • resource/aws_chime_voice_connector_origination: Fix read error when resource is not created in us-east-1 (#​34334)
  • resource/aws_chime_voice_connector_termination: Fix read error when resource is not created in us-east-1 (#​34334)
  • resource/aws_chime_voice_connector_termination_credentials: Fix read error when resource is not created in us-east-1 (#​34334)
  • resource/aws_chimesdkmediapipelines_media_insights_pipeline_configuration: Fix eventual consistency error when resource is not created in us-east-1 (#​34334)
  • resource/aws_chimesdkvoice_sip_media_application: Fix eventual consistency errors when not using us-east-1 (#​34426)
  • resource/aws_chimesdkvoice_sip_rule: Fix eventual consistency errors when not using us-east-1 (#​34426)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_user: Fix UserNotFound: ... is not available for tagging errors on resource Read when there is a concurrent update to the user (#​34396)
  • resource/aws_grafana_workspace_api_key: Change key to Sensitive (#​34105)
  • resource/aws_iam_group_policy_attachment: Retry ConcurrentModificationException errors on create and delete (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_iam_policy_attachment: Retry ConcurrentModificationException errors on create and delete (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_iam_role_policy_attachment: Retry ConcurrentModificationException errors on create and delete (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_iam_user_policy_attachment: Retry ConcurrentModificationException errors on create and delete (#​34378)
  • resource/aws_inspector2_delegated_admin_account: Fix errors: *target must be interface or implement error panic (#​34424)
  • resource/aws_inspector2_enabler: Fix interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not map[string]inspector2.AccountResourceStatus panic (#​34424)
  • resource/aws_iot_ca_certificate: Change ca_pem and certificate_pem to ForceNew (#​15098)
  • resource/aws_iot_policy: Retry DeleteConflictException errors on delete (#​34329)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Fix handling of the nested number_scale, prefix, and suffix integer arguments (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Fix handling of the nested rolling_date argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Fix handling of the nested select_all_options argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Fix handling of the nested visual_ids argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Fixes to various optional blocks utilizing the shared column schema definition (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Nested column_index and row_index arguments now properly handle zero values (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Fix handling of the nested number_scale, prefix, and suffix integer arguments (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Fix handling of the nested rolling_date argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Fix handling of the nested select_all_options argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Fix handling of the nested visual_ids argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Fixes to various optional blocks utilizing the shared column schema definition (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Nested column_index and row_index arguments now properly handle zero values (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_data_set: Increase permissions.actions maximum item limit to 20, aligning with the AWS API limits (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_data_source: Set all parameters to update aws_quicksight_data_source (#​33061)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Fix handling of the nested number_scale, prefix, and suffix integer arguments (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Fix handling of the nested rolling_date argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Fix handling of the nested select_all_options argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Fix handling of the nested visual_ids argument (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Fixes to various optional blocks utilizing the shared column schema definition (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Nested column_index and row_index arguments now properly handle zero values (#​33931)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_user_profile: Change default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.identity_provider_oauth_settings from TypeSet to TypeList, preventing interface conversion: interface {} is *schema.Set, not []interface {} panics (#​34418)
  • resource/aws_synthetics_canary: Fix to properly suppress differences when expression is rate(0 minutes) (#​34084)
  • resource/aws_vpn_connection: Fix UnsupportedOperation: The tunnel inside ip version parameter is not currently supported in this region error when creating connections in certain partitions and Regions (#​34420)


Compare Source


  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: The resource's import ID has changed from name to arn (#​30758)


  • New Data Source: aws_apigatewayv2_vpc_link (#​33974)
  • New Data Source: aws_athena_named_query (#​24815)
  • New Data Source: aws_bedrock_foundation_model (#​34148)
  • New Data Source: aws_bedrock_foundation_models (#​34148)
  • New Resource: aws_athena_prepared_statement (#​33417)
  • New Resource: aws_lexv2models_bot_locale (#​33949)


  • provider: Adds SSO API endpoint override parameter endpoints.sso (#​34302)
  • resource/aws_appflow_connector_profile: Add jwt_token and oauth2_grant_type arguments to the connector_profile_config.connector_profile_credentials.salesforce block. (#​34248)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Add plan-time validation of initial_lifecycle_hook.default_result, initial_lifecycle_hook.heartbeat_timeout, initial_lifecycle_hook.lifecycle_transition,, initial_lifecycle_hook.notification_target_arn and initial_lifecycle_hook.role_arn (#​12145)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook: Add plan-time validation of default_result, heartbeat_timeout, lifecycle_transition, name, notification_target_arn and role_arn (#​12145)
  • resource/aws_datasync_task: Add task_report_config argument (#​33861)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Add postgres as a valid engine value for blue/green deployments (#​34216)
  • resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add pause_replication_tasks, which when set to true, pauses associated running replication tasks, regardless if they are managed by Terraform, prior to modifying the endpoint (only tasks paused by the resource will be restarted after the modification completes) (#​34316)
  • resource/aws_eks_cluster: Allow vpc_config.security_group_ids and vpc_config.subnet_ids to be updated in-place (#​32409)
  • resource/aws_inspector2_organization_configuration: Add lambda_code argument to the auto_enable configuration block (#​34261)
  • resource/aws_route53_record: Allow import of records with an empty record name. (#​34212)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_domain: Add default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.direct_deploy_settings, default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.identity_provider_oauth_settings and default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.kendra_settings arguments (#​34265)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_domain: Change default_space_settings.kernel_gateway_app_settings.custom_image, default_user_settings.kernel_gateway_app_settings.custom_image and default_user_settings.r_session_app_settings.custom_image MaxItems from 30 to 200 (#​34265)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_feature_group: Add offline_store_config.s3_storage_config.resolved_output_s3_uri, online_store_config.storage_type and online_store_config.ttl_duration arguments (#​34283)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_feature_group: Allow online_store_config.ttl_duration to be updated in-place (#​34283)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_model: Add container.model_data_source and primary_container.model_data_source configuration blocks (#​34158)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_space: Change space_settings.kernel_gateway_app_settings.custom_image MaxItems from 30 to 200 (#​34265)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_user_profile: Add default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.direct_deploy_settings, default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.identity_provider_oauth_settings and default_user_settings.canvas_app_settings.kendra_settings arguments (#​34265)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic: Add archive_policy argument and beginning_archive_time attribute to support message archiving (#​34252)
  • resource/aws_sns_topic: Add replay_policy argument (#​34252)


  • provider: Fix Value Conversion Error panic for certain resources when null tag values are specified (#​34319)
  • provider: Fixes parsing error in AWS shared config files with extra whitespace (#​34300)
  • provider: Fixes poor performance when parsing AWS shared config files (#​34300)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Change all initial_lifecycle_hook configuration block attributes to ForceNew (#​34260)
  • resource/aws_cloudtrail: Change the id attribute from the trail's name to its ARN to support organization trails (#​30758)
  • resource/aws_cloudwatch_event_rule: Increase event_pattern max length for validation to 4096 (#​34270)
  • resource/aws_sagemaker_domain: Fix updating default_space_settings.r_studio_server_pro_app_settings.access_status from ENABLED to DISABLED (#​34265)


Compare Source


  • resource/aws_detective_organization_admin_account: Because we cannot easily test this functionality, it is best effort and we ask for community help in testing (#​25237)
  • resource/aws_detective_organization_configuration: Because we cannot easily test this functionality, it is best effort and we ask for community help in testing (#​25237)


  • New Data Source: aws_opensearchserverless_lifecycle_policy (#​34144)
  • New Resource: aws_detective_organization_admin_account (#​25237)
  • New Resource: aws_detective_organization_configuration (#​25237)
  • New Resource: aws_opensearchserverless_lifecycle_policy (#​34144)
  • New Resource: aws_redshift_resource_policy (#​34149)
  • New Resource: aws_verifiedaccess_endpoint (#​30763)


  • resource/aws_amplify_app: Add custom_headers argument (#​31561)
  • resource/aws_batch_job_definition: Add node_properties argument (#​34153)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_cluster: In-place updates are now supported for the code, database, and initialization_script arguments. The update timeout has been increased to 30 minutes. (#​34220)
  • resource/aws_iot_topic_rule: Add kafka.header and error_action.kafka.header arguments (#​34191)
  • resource/aws_networkmanager_connect_attachment: Add NO_ENCAP as a valid options.protocol value (#​34109)
  • resource/aws_networkmanager_connect_peer: Add subnet_arn argument to support Tunnel-less Connect attachments (#​34109)
  • resource/aws_networkmanager_connect_peer: inside_cidr_blocks is Optional (#​34109)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Remove the provider default (previously, "1") and use the AWS default for backup_retention_period (also, "1") to allow integration with AWS Backup (#​34187)
  • resource/aws_redshift_cluster: Add snapshot_arn argument (#​34181)
  • resource/aws_redshift_cluster: Add the manage_master_password and master_password_secret_kms_key_id arguments to support managed admin credentials (#​34182)
  • resource/aws_s3_object: Add override_provider configuration block, allowing tags inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block to be ignored (#​33262)
  • resource/aws_secretsmanager_secret_rotation: The rotation_lambda_arn argument is now optional to support modifying the rotation schedule of AWS-managed secrets. (#​34180)


  • data-source/aws_vpc_ipam_pools: Add id attribute for individual IPAM pools (#​32133)
  • resource/aws_alb_listener_rule: Fixed the action.forward.target_group argument minimum item requirement. Previously this was set to 2, but the AWS API allows specifying a single target group. (#​33727)
  • resource/aws_amplify_branch: Remove ForceNew from enable_performance_mode (#​34141)
  • resource/aws_lb_listener_rule: Fixed the action.forward.target_group argument minimum item requirement. Previously this was set to 2, but the AWS API allows specifying a single target group. (#​33727)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_analysis: Fix "expected type to be integer" errors in window_options.bounds.* argument validatation functions (#​34230)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_dashboard: Fix "expected type to be integer" errors in window_options.bounds.* argument validatation functions (#​34230)
  • resource/aws_quicksight_template: Fix "expected type to be integer" errors in window_options.bounds.* argument validatation functions (#​34230)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Avoid an error on delete related to unexpected state 'scaling-compute' (#​34187)


Compare Source


  • data-source/aws_lambda_function: Add vpc_config.ipv6_allowed_for_dual_stack attribute, fixing Invalid address to set: []string{"vpc_config", "0", "ipv6_allowed_for_dual_stack"} errors (#​34134)


Compare Source


  • provider: This release includes an update to the AWS SDK for Go v2 with breaking type changes to several services: finspace, kafka, medialive, rds, s3control, timestreamwrite, and xray. These changes primarily affect how arguments with default values are serialized for outbound requests, changing scalar types to pointers. See this AWS SDK for Go V2 issue for additional context. The corresponding provider changes should make this breakfix transparent to users, but as with any breaking change there is the potential for missed edge cases. If errors are observed in the impacted resources, please link to this dependency update pull request in the bug report. (#​34096)


  • New Resource: aws_iot_domain_configuration (#​24765)


  • data-source/aws_imagebuilder_image: Add image_scanning_configuration attribute (#​34049)
  • resource/aws_config_config_rule: Add evaluation_mode attribute (#​34033)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Add ip_discovery and network_type arguments (#​34019)
  • resource/aws_imagebuilder_image: Add image_scanning_configuration configuration block (#​34049)
  • resource/aws_kms_key: Add configurable timeouts (#​34112)
  • resource/aws_lambda_function: Add vpc_config.ipv6_allowed_for_dual_stack argument (#​34045)
  • resource/aws_lb: Add dns_record_client_routing_policy attribute to configure Availability Zonal DNS affinity on Network Load Balancer (NLB) (#​33992)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Add target_health_state configuration block (#​34070)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Remove default value (false) for connection_termination argument and mark as Computed, to support new default behavior for UDP/TCP_UDP target groups (#​34070)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Add slowquery as a valid enable_cloudwatch_logs_exports value (#​34053)


  • provider/tags: Prevent crash when tags_all is null (#​34073)
  • resource/aws_autoscaling_group: Fix error when launch_template name is updated. (#​34086)
  • resource/aws_dms_s3_endpoint: Don't send the default value of false for add_trailing_padding_character, maintaining compatibility with older (pre-3.4.7) DMS engine versions (#​34048)
  • resource/aws_ecs_task_definition: Add 0 as a valid value for volume.efs_volume_configuration.transit_encryption_port, preventing unexpected drift (#​34020)
  • resource/aws_identitystore_group: Fix updating description attribute when it is changed (#​34037)
  • resource/aws_iot_indexing_configuration: Add thing_indexing_configuration.filter attribute, resolving InvalidRequestException: NamedShadowNames Filter must not be empty for enabling NamedShadowIndexingMode errors (#​26859)
  • resource/aws_storagegateway_gateway: Support the value 0 (representing Sunday) for maintenance_start_time.day_of_week (#​34015)
  • resource/aws_verifiedaccess_group: Fix InvalidParameterValue: Policy Document cannot be provided when Policy Enabled is false or missing errors when updating policy_document (#​34054)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: aws_media_convert_queue (#​27075)
  • New Resource: aws_elasticsearch_vpc_endpoint (#​33925)
  • New Resource: aws_msk_replicator (#​33973)


  • data-source/aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint: Add self_service_portal_url attribute (#​34007)
  • resource/aws_alb: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_alb_target_group: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_public_key: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_db_option_group: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_docdb_cluster: Support import of cluster_identifier_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_docdb_cluster_instance: Support import of identifier_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_docdb_cluster_parameter_group: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_docdb_subnet_group: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint: Add self_service_portal_url attribute (#​34007)
  • resource/aws_elb: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_emr_security_configuration: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_iam_group_policy: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_iam_role_policy: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_iam_user_policy: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_iot_provisioning_template: Add type attribute (#​33950)
  • resource/aws_lb: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_lb_target_group: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster: Support import of cluster_identifier_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster_instance: Support import of identifier_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster_parameter_group: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_neptune_event_subscription: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_pinpoint_app: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster: Support import of cluster_identifier_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_instance: Support import of identifier_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_signer_signing_profile: Support import of name_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_signer_signing_profile_permission: Add signer:SignPayload as a valid action value (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_signer_signing_profile_permission: Support import of statement_id_prefix argument (#​33852)
  • resource/aws_transfer_server: Change pre_authentication_login_banner and post_authentication_login_banner length limits to 4096 (#​33937)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_web_acl: Add ja3_fingerprint to field_to_match configuration blocks (#​33933)


  • data-source/aws_dms_certificate: Fix crash when certificate not found (#​34012)
  • resource/aws_cloudformation_stack: Fix error when computed values are not set when there is no update (#​33969)
  • resource/aws_codecommit_repository: Doesn't force replacement when renaming (#​32207)
  • resource/aws_db_instance: Creating resource from snapshot or point-in-time recovery now handles manage_master_user_password and master_user_secret_kms_key_id attributes correctly (#​33699)
  • resource/aws_elasticache_replication_group: Fix error when switching engine_version from 6.x to a specific 6.<digit> version number (#​33954)
  • resource/aws_iam_role: Fix refreshing permission_boundary when deleted outside of Terraform (#​33963)
  • resource/aws_iam_user: Fix refreshing permission_boundary when deleted outside of Terraform (#​33963)
  • resource/aws_inspector2_enabler: Fix Value at 'resourceTypes' failed to satisfy constraint errors (#​33348)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster_instance: Remove ForceNew from engine_version (#​33487)
  • resource/aws_neptune_cluster_parameter_group: Fix condition where defined cluster parameters with system default values are seen as updates (#​33487)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_object_lock_configuration: Fix found resource errors on Delete (#​33966)


Compare Source


  • New Data Source: aws_servicequotas_templates (#​33871)
  • New Resource: aws_ec2_image_block_public_access (#​33810)
  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_organization_configuration_feature (#​33913)
  • New Resource: aws_servicequotas_template_association (#​33725)
  • New Resource: aws_verifiedaccess_group (#​33297)
  • New Resource: aws_verifiedaccess_instance_logging_configuration (#​33864)


  • data-source/aws_dms_endpoint: Add s3_settings.glue_catalog_generation attribute (#​33778)
  • data-source/aws_msk_cluster: Add cluster_uuid attribute (#​33805)
  • resource/aws_codedeploy_deployment_group: Add outdated_instances_strategy argument (#​33844)
  • resource/aws_dms_endpoint: Add s3_settings.glue_catalog_generation attribute (#​33778)
  • resource/aws_dms_s3_endpoint: Add glue_catalog_generation attribute (#​33778)
  • resource/aws_docdb_cluster: Add allow_major_version_upgrade argument (#​33790)
  • resource/aws_docdb_cluster_instance: Add copy_tags_to_snapshot argument (#​31022)
  • resource/aws_dynamodb_table: Add import_table configuration block (#​33802)
  • resource/aws_msk_cluster: Add cluster_uuid attribute (#​33805)
  • resource/aws_msk_serverless_cluster: Add cluster_uuid attribute (#​33805)
  • resource/aws_networkmanager_core_network: Add base_policy_document argument (#​33712)
  • resource/aws_redshiftserverless_workgroup: Allow require_ssl and use_fips_ssl config_parameters keys (#​33916)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket: Use configurable timeout for resource Delete (#​33845)
  • resource/aws_verifiedaccess_instance: Add fips_enabled argument (#​33880)
  • resource/aws_vpclattice_target_group: Add config.lambda_event_structure_version argument (#​33804)
  • resource/aws_vpclattice_target_group: Make config.port, config.protocol and config.vpc_identifier optional (#​33804)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_web_acl: Add aws_managed_rules_acfp_rule_set to managed_rule_group_configs configuration block (#​33915)


  • provider: Respect valid values for the AWS_S3_US_EAST_1_REGIONAL_ENDPOINT environment variable when configuring the S3 API client (#​33874)
  • resource/aws_appflow_connector_profile: Fix various crashes (#​33856)
  • resource/aws_db_parameter_group: Group names containing periods (.) no longer fail validation (#​33704)
  • resource/aws_opensearchserverless_collection: Fix crash when error is returned (#​33918)
  • resource/aws_rds_cluster_parameter_group: Group names containing periods (.) no longer fail validation (#​33704)


Compare Source



Compare Source


  • New Resource: aws_guardduty_detector_feature (#​31463)
  • New Resource: aws_servicequotas_template (#​33688)
  • New Resource: aws_sesv2_account_vdm_attributes (#​33705)
  • New Resource: aws_verifiedaccess_instance_trust_provider_attachment (#​33734)


  • data-source/aws_guardduty_detector: Add features attribute (#​31463)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_cluster: Increase default creation timeout to 45 minutes, default deletion timeout to 60 minutes (#​33745)
  • resource/aws_finspace_kx_environment: Increase default deletion timeout to 45 minutes (#​33745)
  • resource/aws_guardduty_filter: Add plan-time validation of name (#​21030)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Add opensearchserverless_configuration and msk_source_configuration configuration blocks (#​33101)
  • resource/aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream: Add opensearchserverless as a valid destination value (#​33101)


  • data-source/aws_fsx_ontap_storage_virtual_machine: Fix crash when active_directory_configuration.self_managed_active_directory_configuration.file_system_administrators_group is not configured (#​33800)
  • resource/aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route : Fix TGW route search filter to avoid routes being missed when more than 1,000 static routes are in a TGW route table (#​33765)
  • resource/aws_fsx_ontap_storage_virtual_machine: Fix crash when active_directory_configuration.self_managed_active_directory_configuration.file_system_administrators_group is not configured (#​33800)
  • resource/aws_medialive_channel: Fix VPC settings flatten/expand/docs. (#​33558)
  • resource/aws_vpc_endpoint: Set dns_options.dns_record_ip_type to Computed to prevent diffs (#​33743)


Compare Source



  • data-source/aws_s3_bucket_object: The metadata attribute's keys are now always returned in lowercase. Please modify configurations as necessary (#​33660)
  • data-source/aws_s3_object: The metadata attribute's keys are now always returned in lowercase. Please modify configurations as necessary (#​33660)
  • resource/aws_iam_*: This release introduces additional validation of IAM policy JSON arguments to detect duplicate keys. Previously, arguments with duplicated keys resulted in all but one of the key values being overwritten. Since this results in unexpected IAM policies being submitted to AWS, we have updated the validation logic to error in these cases. This may cause existing IAM policy arguments to fail validation, however, those policies are likely not what was originally intended. (#​33570)


  • New Resource: aws_cleanrooms_configured_table (#​33602)
  • New Resource: aws_dms_replication_config (#​32908)
  • New Resource: aws_lexv2models_bot (#​33475)
  • New Resource: aws_rds_custom_db_engine_version (#​33285)


  • resource/aws_cloud9_environment_ec2: Add ubuntu-22.04-x86_64 and resolve:ssm:/aws/service/cloud9/amis/ubuntu-22.04-x86_64 as valid values for image_id (#​33662)
  • resource/aws_fsx_ontap_volume: Add bypass_snaplock_enterprise_retention argument and snaplock_configuration configuration block to support SnapLock (#​32530)
  • resource/aws_fsx_ontap_volume: Add copy_tags_to_backups and snapshot_policy arguments (#​32530)
  • resource/aws_fsx_openzfs_volume: Add delete_volume_options argument (#​32530)
  • resource/aws_lightsail_bucket: Add force_delete argument (#​33586)
  • resource/aws_opensearch_outbound_connection: Add connection_properties, connection_mode and accept_connection arguments (#​32990)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_rule_group: Add rate_based_statement.custom_key configuration block (#​33594)
  • resource/aws_wafv2_web_acl: Add rate_based_statement.custom_key configuration block (#​33594)


  • resource/aws_batch_job_queue: Correctly validates elements of compute_environments as ARNs (#​33577)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_continuous_deployment_policy: Fix IllegalUpdate errors when updating a staging aws_cloudfront_distribution that is part of continuous deployment (#​33578)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Fix IllegalUpdate errors when updating a staging distribution associated with an aws_cloudfront_continuous_deployment_policy (#​33578)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Fix PreconditionFailed errors when destroying a distribution associated with an aws_cloudfront_continuous_deployment_policy (#​33578)
  • resource/aws_cloudfront_distribution: Fix StagingDistributionInUse errors when destroying a distribution associated with an aws_cloudfront_continuous_deployment_policy (#​33578)
  • resource/aws_datasync_location_fsx_ontap_file_system: Correct handling of protocol.smb.domain, protocol.smb.user and protocol.smb.password (#​33641)
  • resource/aws_glacier_vault_lock: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_iam_group_policy: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_iam_policy: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_iam_role: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in assume_role_policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_iam_role_policy: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_iam_user_policy: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_mediastore_container_policy: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_s3_bucket_policy: Fix intermittent couldn't find resource errors on resource Create (#​33537)
  • resource/aws_ssoadmin_permission_set_inline_policy: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in inline_policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_transfer_access: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)
  • resource/aws_transfer_user: Fail validation if duplicated keys are found in policy (#​33570)


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Rebasing: Whenever MR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Renovate Bot

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