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fix: Authorise for registry to bypass rate limits

Nailia Iskhakova requested to merge rate-limit-bypass into main

To increase concurrency for Registry we need to authorise before sending registry related requests. This helps to bypass rate limit errors seen in when tried to increase concurrency to 8.

Verified that the fix is working:

go run cmbr.go --instance -concurrency 10 -duration 1m -traffic registry
INFO[0001] authorized                                    host="" username=xxxx
INFO[0008] crawling...                                   count=100
INFO[0015] crawling...                                   count=200
INFO[0021] crawling...                                   count=300
INFO[0027] crawling...                                   count=400
INFO[0036] crawling...                                   count=500
INFO[0044] crawling...                                   count=600
INFO[0050] crawling...                                   count=700
INFO[0056] crawling...                                   count=800

Related to gitlab-org/gitlab#351231 (closed)

Merge request reports